Mag problem I think


Well-Known Member
Run off was 5.5 with 6.5 in. Ran 10g water through it and now 6.4

Brewing an EWC with a little added cal/mag which appears to have been locked out from the low PH. Tea will be ready tomorrow and will water lightly with that probably tomorrow night.

youre killing me........all that's just gonna make it nothing
I don't like to flush, but doing nothing was not improving the situation. My compromise is a little bit of a flush to correct PH and feed the soil again.


Well-Known Member
True that. How loose is that Roots Organic Soil?
Its pretty good. I put in about a half gallon of additional perlite so it is pretty light. I usually add more but with less it holds water a bit longer so I have not needed to water as often. Not sure if that is a good or bad thing at this point. The Hazy OG seems to like it this way. The Blueberry auto is also handling it fine. The Blue Dream is the only one showing these signs.