Magnesium deficiency ?


Hi to all guys
My English is not superb, so please , don’t throw rocks on me))
I grow in coco, have clones from 6 different mother plants, 2 weeks of vega.
All of coco I use was washed in tap water (0.4ec), without buffering
Half of them stays in old coco from last grow, half in new coco.
Every time I shed plants with tap water (0.3-0.4)add canna vega terra to overall 0.9-1.2 ec, and cal mag (0.5-0.8 grams /1l of water), ph 5.6-5.9.
Maximum ec from drainage was 1.6 ec
Temperature in grow room is 27-28c , humidity is 40-50%
Light : cree cxb 3590 3500k : 400w/1m^2 25-30cm from top of plants
Plants have leaf problems on old leaves, the leaves then turn yellow and fall off
What I observe , is that majority of plants that have leaf problems(i attaches photo) also have thin and yellowish roots. Plants with white and thick roots looks healthy.
Another think that I observe, is that 90% of plants in old coco have problems and yellowish roots, while plants in new coco are only 10-15% with problems.

What’s your advices? I think it’s mag deficiency, but what puts me in doubt, is that some plants looks really healthy, having same nutrition


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