Mail Order Weed

Anyone do it? Saw prices ranging from $175-350 a Z for some good strains. It's not alot of money so if it's a rip, it's not too big a problem, but I don't want to waste my time if it's a Nigerian scam.

smokin away

Well-Known Member
I tried out one from Canada a couple of years ago. He was the infamous He's Nice post mailer. I amazingly received every parcel delivered from Canada. It just took forever and it was a bitch getting the money to him. I had it set up with a Green money card and loaded it with money then sent it to him. Then I would just reload and he would send another. That process still took at least 20 days to receive it. He sent me an email a couple of months ago and said he was in BC now. I just became very paranoid of trusting the US Postal Service with my stuff. I'm sure that mail dude was ready to rip me off. I've since moved to the country and grow my own shit. My advice is try some seeds from Amsterdam. It may take a bit longer and some work but it's more rewarding. The $400 you would spend may get you 28 g but after you smoke that what then? I was surfin one of those BC sites where you buy weed from photos and he mysteriously emails with an ad out of no where.:neutral: