Major Purple Leaves - what the hell is wrong with her now?


Well-Known Member
One of my girls who has been having problems (check out my gd and other threads) has now basically turned purple.. I'll let the pictures do the talking.

She is supposed to be 1 week away from harvest..

Anyone have any ideas wtf is going wrong?
im pretty sure its from chemical changes in the plant when its making its last burst of Thc's its not uncommon though if you look around you'll see a lot of peoples plants right now look similar


your plants are mining the last of the phosphorous from the leaves. I assume you are on flush?
It's totally fine and normal


Active Member
i think the purps is good bro, every single person here wishes that happened to them... nice bag appeal

mine turn out 1 color lime green every time :( booo and look lame


could be alot of things, obviously some sort of nutrient imbalance and/or PH level is off , have you been flushing the plant at all, kinda looks like it could also be toxic salt build up

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
Turning Your Marijuana Seeds Plants Purple

Turning your pot purple to enhance bag appeal is an easy task when you buy purple marijuana seeds.
There's less purple pot around. Compared to Kush or Skunk. Creating huge demand for it when a grower harvests purple marijuana seeds.
Some marijuana seeds (Purple Power, Blueberry, Grand Daddy Purple and Lavender) are genetically programmed to turn purple as they finish flowering. Growers enhance the purple effect by dropping their grow room temperature slightly to make buds go purple.
Do not add food coloring.
Other than green, purple is the most common color sought in marijuana seeds. Triggered by seasonal temperature changes (just as trees change color in the fall), the vibrant hues of the mature pot plant are also the result of genetics.
Indoors and outdoors, color can be influenced by deficiencies as well as by temperature. For purple color to develop upon maturation, marijuana seeds must have the genetic potential to produce anthocyanin pigments. However, the color might never be shown if environmental conditions don’t cause chlorophyll breakdown.
Colombian and Hindu Kush strains tend to develop purple coloration when subjected to low night temperatures during the end of their life cycles.
Purple Orangutan, originally from Afghanistan with heavy traits of the Hindu Kush, produces some of the darkest purple and blue tones found in any marijuana seeds.
Buy geniuene purple marijuana seeds from reputable retailers.
Understanding how to turn pot purple is a learned skill. It's possible not all your marijuana seeds will turn purple. Some marijuana seeds will turn more shades of purple than others. Growing purple marijuana seeds requires practice. However seasoned growers will be rewarded with excellent yields of beautiful looking buds. Commending top dollar.
Purple marijuana seeds are growing in popularity throughout the entire cannabis community. Purple strains are said to have a focal flavor of grape that is nearly universal for all strains.


purple in leaves is cause by the lac of production of chlorophyll, which stops at temps below 10c and when phosphorus is in short supply. also by genetics. if you are flushing, you should be getting stoked, looks like a dank harvest
judging by the way the leaves are curving down I don't think you flushed and you might have overdone it on the chems, OR the exact opposite and you began flushing a few weeks too soon... You know what you did, so you can decide from the answers. It looks like over-fert/fert imbalance to me, stems, leaves, the curling, the drying out and browning/crisping, they are all over-fert signs.


Well-Known Member
I flushed not too long ago due to the very light/yellow leaves. The pH was way off, i flushed with about 25 litres and managed to get it to 6.4.

It doesn't seem to be maturing which is what is worrying me. I gave a low dose of nutes today, as i read purple leaves can be caused by a nute deficency.

Nigh temps (which are during the day due to the light cycle) are not that cold, i'd say about 70f.


it was because of the flush, you got rid of all the phosphorus. i wouldn't feed it anymore, and let it use up all it's stored food until harvest.
for flushes its always good to flush with a very mild nute solution... .8 EC or so.


Flush before harvest and you will be happy. Without a flush you will have a hard time cashing bowls or burning joints as the bud burns to black and not grey, but it will add some weight to your bags. Your buds will taste harsher, not bad, but just a tad harsher. I would flush based on the looks of things, but I don't think it is detrimental to just leave things as-is and enjoy your purps.


Well-Known Member
They are just doing there thing. No you did not over fert or anything you may have flushed a little early. The max i flush is 10-14 days before harvest. They look good though. Also are you going by the expected harvest date that the seed descrip gave you. If you are don't, you have to go by the look of your buds. Take a few closer pics. I remember one plant i grew said harvest in 8 weeks and it took 10-11 before it was perfect and ready.


Well-Known Member
Its funny cause for me i kinda forgot to mention it was temps that did it. It was my very first grow and My snow white had purple buds. Night temps dipped down low for me, around 50-55 for about 4 weeks during the end of my flowering.