Make a multi-chamber bong, EASY!


Active Member

2 20oz bottles
1 cap that fits both
television wire (coaxial cable)
metal bowl (can substitute with something else, there are tons of tutorials on how to make bowls for bongs)
duct tape

Cut the labels off of the soda bottles.

Using the knife, slice the coaxial cable down the middle and take all the insides out. then run a length of duct tape lengthwise down the coaxial and wrap it around, sealing the cut up.

Bore a hole in the cap of the bottle, and slide about an inch of cable in it and duct tape it in place. Make sure not to tape the cap to the bottle.

Take the cap off of the bottle if it was / is on.

bore a hole in the side of a bottle, and put the cable in diagonally. Duct tape it vertically on the outside so it runs down and into the hole almost to the bottom of the bottle. Now make a bong with the other bottle. There are tons of tutorials on how. Make it with a carb.

So now you have a bong with a carb on one 20oz, and a bottle with water filled up, oh, maybe 1/4 or 1/5 of the way, with that cable going in the water and running up out into the cap. Just screw the cap on the bong, hit the other bottle and voila, 2 chamber bong!



Active Member
it works like a charm, too. And I just found out how to clean your old resiny screens! Just fold them up a little (not too much or you won't be able to unfold them) and stick 'em loosely in your bong. Then just take a couple tokes through the screen and itll burn all the resin out of the mesh, and leave you with ash that you can blow away and VOILA, new screen :)