*Makin' bacon with kottonmouth*


Well-Known Member
I know but i meant, are the actual trichomes purple?
oh... sorry dude.. no, they are the same as any other tric. but she was very tough to read them. I have a scope with a light and the light would reflect the purple onto the trics. i really had to move around a bunch to tell clear from cloudy. the ambers were a bit easier t see... i pretty much went by the amount of those!!!

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Oh yeah,mine are purple....with the led.lmao really tho,im trying to get down to you guys in next month or so.bring my plp and some md.my plps are a nice orange.no purps.lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah bro, that was a pic from my Magic Monkey ;) not the PLP. I have one purple plp, and one orange plp too. Not all phenos have the purps in them.


Well-Known Member
BC... that is some wild lookin trics!!!!! I'd have to go get my eyes checked after first seeing it!!!! hahaha


Well-Known Member
two days!!!! medscientist is having a fun grow off on the bubbleheads place, it starts now and ends on 4/20. any plant, any way, any light. it's just for fun and there are a lot of peole in on it!! some are trying things a different way. and I also wanted to do something outside of my comfort zone. and since i don't know shit about it... i'm WAY outside!!!! hahaha

you and BC should join in!!!


Well-Known Member
struggling?? what did i miss?? I need to go back and read now.... i thought it was all going good except for the pollination part.... shit man, lets get you all bright and sunny again!!

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Only with the dwc. Unstable ph, hi temps in rez,hi ppm,slimeon roots.flora nova grow seems to ne crystalzingin bottm of rez. May cut her out f net pot,put to soil.
Now I got ppm rt,temp down to 65...and add 1ml of b 1 (superthrive) per gal,well see how she looks tonight.