Making a grow box for 1 plant. How big should it be tho ?


Well-Known Member
well last year i did a outdoor grow but i left it a little late and it didnt go too well, but none the less i got some bud out off it. This year i want to try a indoor grow. Ill be making a growbox from wood big enough for 1 plant (i just want to see how it goes first and get a little bit more experience.)
Taking the plant pot into consideration how big should the grow box be ?

The box will be out of the way in a wardrobe just to make sure that when the lights should be off, there will be no light from outside sneeking in.

I was thinking of making the box about 35cm x 35cm x 80cm ( Width x Depth x Height) , agree or disagree ?

Last of all if i grow using the SCROG technique will this stump the plants height a bit ?

Any help/information greatly appreciated.


Active Member
Depends on what kind of lighting you are going to be using. Different lights require a different amount of space between it and the plant. If you want a small grow then I would use CFL's. Regardless I would say at least 2' x 2' x 4' (61cm x 61cm x 122cm). You never know what your plant is going to do or how big it may get. Do some research on LST and ScrOG here on RIU it will help.


Well-Known Member
i would use a 150w hps.. and build a box like 3 ft long, 2 ft wide and like 5-6 ft tall. you would get decent results i think and you could grow 2 plants at least and get a decent yield thats what im gonna do.