Making an equivalent to RockWool cubes...


Well-Known Member
I was trying to think of something that would work to start some seeds in without having to buy some cubes...and thought what if you were to germ the seeds in something like the cotton balls or the flat cotton swabs? And once the seed started taking root and growing plant without the cotton still attached into whater medium your using, do you think this will work?


Well-Known Member
I have some new seeds and I wanted to start germ and thought about this...I would like to hear some input first though.


Well-Known Member
it should work fine...seeds just need moisture, a good temp, and dark to germinate.

paper towels are pure gold.
the only trick is the neutral and aged (24 to 72 hours in an open container) are the best

...or so i hear anyways...

good luck and let us know how it goes!