Making blender hash.


Well-Known Member
My blender hash technique.

I decided to write this article after a few inquiries from my friends on how I make this blender hash. I make it this way because it is cheap and I already had the stuff at my house to make it with; I’m sure there’s other better ways to make it including, the bubble hash machines and bags. Here’s what I start with:a blender, two or three clear measuring cups, siphon hose, gold screen coffee filter, regular paper coffee filters, a bowl and spoon.equip.jpgFirst you have to dry your cuttings and whatever small buds you feel like you're going into your hash and freeze them.IMG_0424.jpg
Fill your blender about a third of the way full with some of your frozen cuttings.Then fill it up to about two thirds way with water and a couple handfuls of ice, be careful with how much ice you add though; you don't want too much and you don't want to little.IMG_0427.jpgFirst I crush the ice with the ice crusher setting and then blend on low for about 15 to 30 seconds. You will get a greenish looking slushy.IMG_0432.jpgYou can see in this next picture I have just a few ice crystals mixed in with the vegetation floating on the top of the blender after blending.Ice crystals.jpgI have to let these melt because they won't strain correctly; just a hair too much ice, or just the right amount depending on which you look at it. I then take the blended mixture and carefully strain it through the gold coffee filter into one of my clear measuring cups. It's important not to let your filter get overloaded. I then dip the filter with the vegetation in it an up and down as if I was a teabag and I even use a spoon to stir occasionally to make sure that I get most of the trichome down through the filter.IMG_0429.jpgIMG_0430.jpgAfter dipping and stirring I rinse with clean water to get anything that I've might've missed on my first run.IMG_0433.jpg I then scoop this first running cuttings out into a bowl and save them for a second run, because there is still some stuff to be had out of them.IMG_0434.jpgAfter the measuring cups and bowls that I use are full; I set them in the refrigerator for 45 minutes to let all the trichome settled to the bottom.IMG_0436.jpgCarefully remove the measuring cups from the refrigerator without disturbing the settled resin glands on the bottom and set it on a counter next to something you can siphon into. Use the siphon tube to take off most of the water leaving just a little above the settled trichomes on the bottom.IMG_0437.jpgIMG_0438.jpg Take what's left and pour it through your regular paper coffee filter. I use my gold-medal coffee filter as a support while I am doing this.IMG_0440.jpg Grab the top edges of your coffee filter careful not to spill any of the liquid try to tie off the tops so none can get back up through.IMG_0443.jpg Use slight pressure to drain the water slowly out of the filter. I then take the filter and blot it on a towel to dry it out just a little bit more, but be careful how hard you press, be gentle.IMG_0441.jpgIMG_0442.jpg I then unwrap the filter over a glass baking pan to collect my un-pressed hash,(or hippie crack). You must let this dry at least 12 hours before pressing or just let it dry; however long it takes.Hash powder.jpg I then scoop it up into a folded piece of parchment paper pack it tight and wrap it in tinfoil dull side in.IMG_0449.jpg IMG_0455.jpgIMG_0456.jpgSet your iron to its lowest setting, you can literally put your hand on it without getting burnt, and press each side for 30 seconds with moderate pressure. Let your press cool off for a little while and open it up and see what you got.IMG_0461.jpg It looks like I might have overcook it a little, which could account for the dark color. Colors can vary depending on how much dye comes out of the leaves and stuff, this is the drawbacks of making blender hash. Like I said earlier though this was inexpensive and I had everything laying around my house. Hope you liked the article, any tips and comments are more than welcome.



Well-Known Member
Can you clarify "gold medal filter" and "parchment paper" please......thanks the much ice do you use per blender..roughly?


Well-Known Member
Can you clarify "gold medal filter" and "parchment paper" please......thanks the much ice do you use per blender..roughly?
I forgot to say how much ice. The idea of the ice water is to freeze the resin glands so they easily break off the vegetation like the leaf or whatever else they were stuck to. You want your watered to be ice cold but not necessarily like a slushy. The picture I posted with ice crystals in the top of the blender is usually what I consider about the right amount of ice after blending. I might have to wait a couple of minutes while the ice melts a little but only no more than two or three minutes. The small ice crystals were only at the very top mixed in with the vegetation and not throughout the entire blender.


Well-Known Member
Cheers bud...sorry for the lost in wax paper the same as baking paper?


Well-Known Member
No parchment paper has no wax on it. I found it at Target in the baking section. Your grandma is correct.


Active Member
I do this all the time. I think it works just as well as the bags if you have a reasonable (small) amount to do. I use it on shake but not on trim. You can do an ounce or two of shake with one tray of ice cubes and a gallon jug (no blender needed) in 1/2 an hour.

You will improve your quality if you skip the blender. The sharp edges on the blade produce micro matter that sneaks past the filter. Instead, I freeze the material, then run it through a metal mesh (pasta strainer) to break it up thoroughly, put the ganja in a gallon jug, add water and crushed ice, put the lid on and shake it. Alternately you can put it in a bucket and pour the contents back and forth 10-15 times.

I also use the pasta strainer to get 99% of the plant matter out before pouring it through the gold mesh. This prevents it from clogging the finer mesh. Its optional but I also have two pasta strainers. 1 is just a tad finer mesh than the other. Use the bigger one to grind the ganja, the smaller one to filter it out after its wet.

The final thing I do a little different is I use one tall container for all the water instead of measuring cups. Its 1 foot tall and holds most of a gallon. After the first settle, I pour of the top. Next I use a tall narrow V shaped beer glass for the final settling. If you are willing to loose just a bit (maybe 2-5%) you can do it all without a siphon.

2 Pasta filters, Gallon Jug with lid, Gallon Pitcher, V shaped Glass = $5 at thrift and/or dollar store.

BEWARE: SOME COFFEE FILTERS ARE JUST TOO SMALL FOR THIS. I was robbed of all my hash more than once before I got this dialed. This is the best reason to use pasta filters first. If it fails after that point you only have a little bit of plant matter left in the mix. It can still be solvent washed or added to butter.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I have a crazy way of making hash. First, using the bunk material I do an extraction using methyl hydrate then I do a water extraction. This is kept in jugs as it is poured off. The water and alcohol extractions are reduced using heat, both poured into the same pot. The selected buds and eyeleaves are ground in a blender and then sifted through a srceen to remove larger particles then that is put back into the blender to be liquified into dust. As soon as the resin is ready to be removed from the heat the grind is kneeded into the binder and pressed to a point that a few drops of water are needed to finish the press. Then the hash is left out to cure for about a week then sealed. This is how pressed puddy hash has been produced since the 1970's. Caution: If you don't understand hot gas extractions do not try this. The hash can also be made with only the hot water extractions resulting in a hard brown hash. It's simply easier to off the hash than it is the immature smaller buds and it's better than tossing. I keep the liquids in jugs and the grind in a sealed container and in less time than a person could make breakfast I'd have a nice ten gram chunk. You don't have to make it all at once.