Making Hash Oil

Hello everyone, I'm getting ready to make some hash oil and I just have a couple questions on something. I want to do the BHO method and have read several sites on how to do it. The only thing that is confusing me is that some say to use alcohol after extracting the oil with the butane and some say nothing about using alcohol.

Am I suppose to use the alcohol or not? And if so why use the butane at all? If you have to use alcohol then I see no point in using the butane because I'm going to have to put it in alcohol anyway. Any thoughts or experiences would be great to shed some light on this. Thanks for reading.


Well-Known Member
butane honey oil its great stuff make sure you make it in a well ventilated area :) no alcohol required just a glass cup or pyrex glass you can use even soda bottles to do the extraction theirs nothing 2 it really :)


Active Member
that stufff is nasty and not good for you at all there is all kinds of shit left over that is harmfull to you


Active Member
cold extraction is a primitive method mainly used for practical reasons rather than potentcy or purity
Hey thanks for the reply guys . I have actually got the really good butane that is purified 5x+. I was told that this is one of the cleanest ways to make the oil. Do you recommend using 100% alcohol instead? Which is the cleanest?


Well-Known Member
bubble bags is the cleanest best way to make hash :) and better for you but i am a fan of the butane honey oil its gooey goodness :)
Thanks for your help cannabis420. I know how to make hash, but I've never done the hash oil methods before and want to see the results first hand. I loved hash oil when I tried it years ago and lately been having a urge to try it again. lol