Making Hash


Active Member
Hi guys I tried looking for anybody thats made hash and come up empty, so If you made hash how did you do it and was it worth it?



Well-Known Member
I have made several batches, and I am ready to make another.

I have tried several methods: Blender, ISO, bubble bags. Bubble bags are best, by far.

My first batch, I used everything that I didn't keep for smoking: all fan leaves and trim. Needless to say, my first batch, doing just blender, ice water and so much trash, the end product wasn't that great. It was hash though, and it tasted pretty good and worked. These days, I only save fine trim, popcorn bud and sometimes some good bud. This next batch is going to be awesome. I've saved the trim from a couple harvests, lots of popcorn, and even nearly a whole plant cuz I let it go too long and got kind of dry.


Well-Known Member
over 100 grams of trim to make 2 grams hash? most get 1/10th to 1/8th the weight with which bubbles bags you should be able to do easily, I had 80 grams of popcorn and got about 12 grams hash, the biggest producing bag being the 73 micron.

Charlie Who?

Active Member
Ive made QWISO three or four times. It's super easy. Take a jar and fill it with trim, pour in enough rubbing alcohol (90% iss quickest but 75% is OK, too). Put on the lid and shake the jar for NO MORE than 60 seconds. Then pout the liquid thru a strainer then strain again thru a coffee filter, then into a big, flat dish, like pyrex or glass. Set a fan to blow over the surface to speed evaporation. Mine took a couple of days. When it's COMPLETELY BONE DRY, take a razor blade and scrape the dish. I got maybe two grams.
