Making sense of an organic fert


Well-Known Member
I'm living in Asia where we have limited access to cannabis specific nutes, let alone organic hydro/soil-less ones.

Now I am doing a grow with seedlings in a soil-less mix with 20% worm castings. However I plan to transplant to organic super soil when they leave the seedling stage to start vegging.

I've also got a couple of seedlings in a pro-mix kind of 50-50 perlite and peat/pertlite which NEEDS nutrients.

Anyways I have a Royal Project 3 part (A, B, C) nutrient solution from the country I am living in. The seller as been less than helpful in filling me in about the details of them, or how to use them. The language barrier was also an issue. Below are two images of details they sent me, which they kindly translated to English.

I have a few questions:
1. Do you think this 400 "times" is talking about 400 PPM for week 2-3 onwards?

2. I've calculated that if tripling the A nutrient as advised, the NPK will be like: 7.3-1.3-11.4.
Any thoughts on this ratio of organic nutrients? Does it seem to be okay for cannabis or need some other supports?

3. To me it seems this is very heavy on the K and lacking on the P. I wonder why they formulated in this strange way that I cannot even modulate for veg and flower. Of course it seems this was not designed at all for cannabis.

4. But still worth using at all? (Seeing as we have no access to organic liquird ferts here, apart from this and a very limited selection)? If using, what would you supplement with?

5. Any other observations on this?

