making something out of nothing?


Active Member
just wondering if I could make hash or oil out of roaches\cocktails and alot of tray pot , I have about 2-3 oz in roaches and tray pot . and if its possible to make some what would be the best method? butane? just wondering cuz I got alot of it and I'll never smoke it cuz its to harsh. oh and by the way the tray pot is mostly dust with alot of very tiny buds and by tiny I mean the size of a rice grain . the roaches and cocktails still have all the paper and blunt leaf on them , should I clean all of them or would the resin on the paper and leaf be any help in getting more quanity. Just a thought :mrgreen:


Active Member
hmmm, a pipe wit a filtercap, and butane would work wonders if u cut all that shit up... but the most effective way if u use ur brain is 2 roll that bad boy up and smoke it lol... then u got a hash roach :D

mmmm roach, roach spliff