Making your indoor growroom "Stealthy" to IR?


I was recently thinking of putting a grow room together, not any time soon, but as i make the money over time i will continue to add on. But anyway, back in my middle school days i remember a cop coming in and telling us that they use IR to find large heat signatures inside of a house from the result of so many lights. I also heard that they look to see if anyone's electricity bill sky rockets all of a sudden.

So I was wondering, since i see a police helicopter fly by almost every other week, maybe even twice a week... How would I hide this from Johnny Law? I mean the only way I can think of is... Well, cool the bitch down, but what is the point of that xP

Anyway, im open to all suggestions.


Well-Known Member
i would assume to make the grow room on a lower level....your best bet is the basement. i dont think choppers would pick that up in the sky.
Lower Level, keep room like 75-80F, and don't make the room to large. Use LED lights or Florescent bulbs...

that would be my guess :P


Active Member
they also make some shit called like "heat sheild" or "ir Shield". I have never used it but have seen it around a few online shops that sell it for reducing or eliminating the IR signature of your grow op. I will see if I can locate a site or something for ya.


Active Member

doesn't make it completely unnoticeable but its the best you can get unless your some kind of agent :D

oh and also, just because your in the basement does not mean they cant pick you up from the sky they see all with
those special laser guns we all hate. but if your just setting up a small/medium room you should be good just make sure to vent all the hot air out
because that causes problems too.


Well-Known Member
and run ur lights on during the day when its hottest it really depends on how much wattage ur running a 400 watter they prob wont waste time a couple of thousands another story chopper goes by my house like once a day but u dont sweat it