Male? Female? Hermie?


Active Member
Hi everyone, Im in the middle of my first grow and im having a lot of trouble sexing my plant, Ive read numerous guides and articles and im still stumped. Can someone please help me?



Well-Known Member
Its kinda hard to tell cause the pictures are a lil blurry but it looks like balls to i said its blurry

Can you take a more focused picture at the nodes so i can tell you for sure


Active Member
Just what i feared :( , Cant take any better pics as im stoned and got the shakes plus my camera is crap :), Guess ill go and rip him down and start my 1 week ferms on 12/12


Active Member
Agreed male for sure. As the above stated. Grow it out a bit and harvest some pollen if its good genetics. Then pull him


Well-Known Member
before you rip him practice supercroping on it...practice nvr hurts and you might learn something too