Male - Oh NO it's a boy...


Active Member
6 weeks into my white rhino, I decided to start flowering the Pablo cheese too. In the same room. It's now been 10 days, and with 18 white rhinos' and 8 Pablos' I was thinking this could be a good harvest. Today I've just realised that 3 of the Pablo are male...... I got them out straight away, but am now worried, as to have they destroyed the remaining 5 Pablo, and what about the 'Rhinos'. any ideas or advice, will be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
only time will tell if there was any fertilisation ,,,keep your eyes on the others...check them everyday


Active Member
ok so how am I to tell, will the others just stop growing or will what... Is there anything I can do to rectify the others in a worst case scenario ? What about
hermaphrodites, I think I have 2 of them aswell.?



Well-Known Member
oh bad luck about the could spray them with blast or something like that....a product that encourages bud growth and makes any male flowers infertile after they have been sprayed........ or just get the hermies out and keep an eye on the others in case they are hermie as well..... good luck with that


bud bootlegger
if they have only been in flower for ten days, i think that is not enough time for them to release any pollen.. what did the males look like when you pulled them? did the flowers on them look very developed yet or not.. google males mj flowers and look to see what a fully mature male flower looks like and compare that to what you had.. but like i said, i think ten days is way too early.. i had two males in my last crop that i missed and they were probably close to like three weeks or so before i caught them and it was still ok..
with the hermies, you can either just pull the whole plants, or if they aren't too many male flowers on them, you can just pluck off the male flowers, and let them go, but you will have to keep a vigilant eye on them for any more male flowers.. sometimes its just easier to get ride of the whole plant instead..
g/l with the rest of the grow..


Well-Known Member
Dittos to Racerboy. If you check your plants as frequent as I would guess you do, sure you pulled the males in time to avoid any unwanted pregnancies. The withdrawl method if you will. I would just be vigilant and when you see one with balls and or peckers get it out of there muy pronto. Also dont be bringing in cheap dirt weed anywhere near the bloom area. I knocked up several out of a 5 plant grow like that one time. If you touch some crappy old seedy weed wash your hands before messing with the ladies. Hopefully you do not have to smoke that stuff.
