Male or Female - Too Early to Tell?


New Member
Need sexing opinion ... male or female or too early to tell?

Sensi Northern Lights Regular
42 days old (from initial seed planting)
16/8 light cycle



Well-Known Member
Hmmmm, I'd say male. You can see the little claw sitting on top of a stem in the far.

I'd let it go a little further just to be sure though


Well-Known Member
Why are you running 16/8? Normally, if you are flowering (which you are if you want to know the sex) you want to run 12/12. If the plant is on 16/8 it shouldn't start sexing/flowering unless it's an auto or stressed.


Why are you running 16/8? Normally, if you are flowering (which you are if you want to know the sex) you want to run 12/12. If the plant is on 16/8 it shouldn't start sexing/flowering unless it's an auto or stressed.
I learned recently from someone on here that some strains will still flower just like autos but there reg andits a genetic thing.


Well-Known Member
Why are you running 16/8? Normally, if you are flowering (which you are if you want to know the sex) you want to run 12/12. If the plant is on 16/8 it shouldn't start sexing/flowering unless it's an auto or stressed.
I'm no botanist, but I'm pretty sure you don't need to flip lights to identify male/female plants, once it's mature it will show his balls/her pubes... no stress needed.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I'm no botanist, but I'm pretty sure you don't need to flip lights to identify male/female plants, once it's mature it will show his balls/her pubes... no stress needed.:eyesmoke:
What do you mean once it's mature? Most plants start showing sex once you enter 12/12 light cycle. Occasionally when left untop they might preflower @ the 5th node. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to keep mother plants for clones. I think I might be misunderstanding you.


New Member
Thanks for all the feedback.

This is my first grow EVER so even though there are alot of photos and information about sexing out there ... there is still nothing like experience.

I read that you don't need to induce a flowering to determine sex. That almost all plants will start to show sex by 6-8 weeks of veg.

This looks like a male to me based on internet photos because of the stalk that has formed under the calyxes. I might just let it grow out even more so that I will have experience identifying males.

I might sprout a couple more seeds since I think I know where this one is headed. Making all kinds of mistakes but thats part of the process.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
What do you mean once it's mature? Most plants start showing sex once you enter 12/12 light cycle. Occasionally when left untop they might preflower @ the 5th node. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to keep mother plants for clones. I think I might be misunderstanding you.
pre-flowers will show while still in veg stage (18/6)....that's what he is talking about


Well-Known Member
A plant will show preflowers if its in veg long enough. Once it becomes mature it will show sex. Either way to me it looks like a male plant, but the pictures aren't very clear. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
I don't know what you guy's see in his first pic it's too blurry and the second one just as useless. @OP zoom in at the node so we can see it clearly or else you're going to be getting nothing but guesses and you don't want to kill a plant on a guess