male or female?


Active Member
Is there anyway to tell a male or female apart from the leaf formation??? I need help I have a plant that has the 3 leaf formation but where they come off the stem all 3 leaves are connected so its 1 big leaf with 3 tips kinda looks like a maple leaf?? Help!!


Active Member
Now here's my next question found 3 seeds in a bag I bought. I germd. Them and planted them same time and they look completely different the beaners actually came out of the same bud so they are the same right? Cause my one plant has 8 sets of leave between 3 to 5 and this plant only has 2 sets of the 3 leaf formation that's why I'm confused nothing is identical but they are so different idk


Well-Known Member
are you using the same soil and everything for both?...i have read that the ph of soil will fuck up the growing process, as in, if the ph isn't right it will keep making those 3 leaves because it keeps thinking that it's starting over again...i have had some sped plants like that before because of the ph...


Active Member
Everything is the same for everyplant I grow same dirt water light fert etc. I couldn't be more exact and that is why I'm banging my head against the wall. if u know anything else let me kno I appreciate any help and info