Male or Female?



not old enough to tell yet, youre lookin in the right spot though. LOOKS like it will be female, but not certain. give it a couple more days.


Well-Known Member
if youre just vegging then why would you expect to see sex? im no expert but it is easy to tell a male by the cluster of balls. assuming that you are in flower then i would say that the pic is a female. but if you avent been flowring then what a surprise it will be to see little balls after you go 12-12


New Member
if youre just vegging then why would you expect to see sex? im no expert but it is easy to tell a male by the cluster of balls. assuming that you are in flower then i would say that the pic is a female. but if you avent been flowring then what a surprise it will be to see little balls after you go 12-12
It's been in veg, and I can see the female pistols on my other veg'd plants. I know you can sex in veg... I'm on a rotation schedule and I want to get a few clones going. Just waiting on the sex. Those little nubs just started growing in this week.

Thanks for responding guys.


Well-Known Member
maybe thats what they call pre flowering?? i dont know. i thought the only way was to flower or if you veg for like a super long time some plants will show.

whatever you do just re check when you get into flwr and if you see balls then kill it and all its clones. good luck dude


Well-Known Member
those do kind of look like the start of pre-flowers... could be male or female.

isn't ready to clone yet either


it will tell you when it is ready.


Well-Known Member
nothing you can clone once there is a decent amount of foilage to cut from... he meant to make sure it is female so you don't get fucked with a suprise batch of males..


Well-Known Member
yeah thats what im doing right now. rxcept i only had one plant so i made 40 clones from it and am praying that it is female. lol


Active Member
so do the pre-flowers determine sex too?, im vegging white widow about 8 weeks and i was shocked to come home and find a fuckin male, balls and all, and i looked at the rest and they look just like your pics above, my question is will the preflowers determine sex too?