Male or Female?


Well-Known Member
I am a total newbie to growing. This is my first plant, I have never grown before. I just planted some seeds and this popped up. It's about 4 feet tall. I have no idea whether it is a male or female. If it is a male, will it produce any bud? Any help would be greatly appreciated.




Active Member
pictures are unclear but that looks like a female to me!

and no males dont produce bud

good luck!


Well-Known Member
thank for your post. i'll try to get better pics but they are all turning out burry...

i should also add, i know this plant was growing with a known male plant for about 2 months. I did not know any better to take out the male. I just took it out the other day when I found this forum. How bad will this effect this plant if it is a female? Also, I've been keeping it under 24hours of light for about 3 weeks, is that bad? This plant was going outside and it was getting too big, so i dug it up and put it in a pot and put it in the garage. Ever since then I been putting 24hours of light and watering every couple of days. Any comments? Like I said before I know nothing about growing. I just stumbled upon this forum and now i'm learning...


Well-Known Member
Seriously... 24 hours of light is tight. If you can't get clearer photos of the hair areas, we may not be able to tell you for sure.. It does look like a female... but dude are those spider webs on that shot?


Well-Known Member
the plant looks to be a female, might be a hermie though.
the 24hr lighting has probably reverted it back to the veg stage which would explain that dead looking bud.
got a pic of the whole plant?


Well-Known Member
heres a couple more pics... as for the lighting, what should i do. put it on a 12/12 schedule? what is a hermies? advice would be great.



Active Member
a hermie is a hermaphrodite meaning it has male and female parts. the worst your female plant could suffer from a male plant being around is if the male plant pollinated the female then there will be seeds in your bud. those are deff female pictures. the only way it would be a hermie is if one of the nodes had a male part here is a picture that should clear up the male/female traits for you



Well-Known Member
its great to hear that it is pobably a female. like i said, there was a known male plant growing with it for about 2 months, so it probably did effect it. also, any tips on what to do with the lighting now? i had it on 24 hours a day, should i go to 12/12 now or what? someone gimme some advice please.