Male or Female


I have several plants that seem to display flowers on top and pollen pods. I am attaching photos. Are these males, hermis or fertilized females?



Well-Known Member
I'm seeing male pollen sacks. it's either male or a hermaphrodite... Either way, it needs to go.

Sorry for your loss, friend.

I'm curious... Where did the seed come from? I'm asking because it has some weird growth, and if your saying it's in other plants than it's probably a genetic thing. If you live in the northern hemisphere, or a tropical region with multiple grow seasons, than you should buy some seed online, and plant it outside. While its growing, you can utilize the downtime to learn what kind of nutes/foods are appropriate to help your plant along.

Another good thing about buying your seed online, is that you can buy feminized seed and not have to worry about males. I buy my seeds HERE, but there are alot of good seedbanks out there. Nirvana and The Attitude are commonly used. I suggest Speedyseedz.

A good Northern Lights strain is usually very newbie friendly.

Good luck!
