male or female!!!???


Active Member
Aw dam lol. That put a smurk on my face i forgot it has to be white. But yea. I hope it can show even if i dont do 12/12.
Well my plants ended up getting flowered a month behind schedule because of issues with my timer, however, bout a week before I fixed the problem, they showed sex, during veg. So if you veg for longer than normal you might have the same happen to you. More than likely though you need to put them in 12/12 for at least a week before you'll see sexes.


Active Member
Ok. Yea but i dont have the flowering things such as blooms etc.
What are talking about man? Cannabis doesn't "bloom", it makes seed packets or "bud". I've never gotten why it's called flowering when cannabis doesn't actually produce flowers..


Well-Known Member
what your confusing as pistols are actually called stipules, they grow from the stem at the base of every leafstalk


Well-Known Member
Its just too early dude! You gotta wait and see patience. When you see white pistols starting you should have a female. How long you been flowering?


Active Member
Ok that helps too. Ill remember that frm now on. I just hope the sexing can show asap. And im using a flowering 2700k cfl for it and im not flowering yet lol.


Active Member
Lol im not flowering yet but people r saying i should start now or real soon. Its like almost a foot tall. Maybe 7 or 8 inches and i dont have tiger bloom grow big nor big bloom


Well-Known Member
Then there is no way too know until you started flowering and a week or two in. My exp. 2 weeks seems too be when they show. I have never heard of predicting sex while in veg. if its true enlighten me. What kinda seeds are they? that helps too.


Well-Known Member
Just for future not being a dick but you would get good help if you started this thread on Newbie forum. I still read shit on there and still learning. Or not start a thread and find one like yours and ask if its cool to ask a question or two. It seems that you get better answers quicker when not waiting on people to respond I had that prob.


Well-Known Member
just wait til ya see some damn hair pokin out, in the beginnings of a plants life it is real hard to sometimes distinguish a hair from new leaf matter


Active Member
Yea thats what my friend just said to me just now lol. Feel dumb. But i read a couple post on here that if we veg it long enough it can show sex so yea lol. Seed unknown but my friend gave em to me and said its a really bomb seed.


Active Member
Yea its ku yaw. I understand where yaw coming from. I do post on newbie but just decided to post here to let people know its indoor lol


Well-Known Member
Ya just chill you will find out if its decent genetics Ive heard better chance of females but usually the scale 50/50. YAAA 600 haha


New Member
i have had a couple mother plants sex running on 24 hour of light because they were in vegg for so long, like 2 years