Male Pre-Flower?


Well-Known Member
Is not really possible to tell yet for 100% sure imo,if i had to bet on it i would also bet that its male but i wouldnt put my money on it as they may grow hairs out of those sites yet and not balls,is hard to tell in that pic,so dont give up on it yet:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Yeah i'm not going to give up until its absolutely clear or at the very least a couple weeks into flowering, i have just been checking lately for pre-flowers and this looked more like male balls than female pre-flower. Thanks for the quick response


Well-Known Member
dude.. the time between starting the 12/12 light cycle and finding out the sex of your plants is HARSH... Day 4 of flowering, and I report... it sucks. I can't keep waiting!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm holding out hope that they will end up being female and its just too early to tell for sure but unfortunately i have another one that looks just like this one and i have a suspicion that they may both be males. I wont make the final decision until I begin flowering and its absolutely clear.


Well-Known Member
that cud be a girl or a boy thay both look like that a 4 days,,,,but hope its a girl,,,,


Well-Known Member
I actually havent started flowering yet. I'm 5 weeks into veg and i wanted to wait until 6 weeks and then make the switch. This was the first sign of pre-flower that i have noticed and it just looked more like a male than female but i'm obviously going to wait until i'm a week or two into flowering to make a final decision.


Well-Known Member
Joe if you got other plants in there I don't suggest you wait a week or two,,the pic looks male to me,,and if those sacks split and spit,,,say hello Aunt Hermie to the rest of your grow

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
Well i havent started flowering yet but i would like to wait until i'm absolutely sure before i take its life. I didnt think a male would start to release pollen until a couple weeks into flowering, in order to ensure that the females have exposed pistils to collect it. But i'm kinda a noob so i could be wrong. Nonetheless i will be very cautious in the next few weeks to try to ID the males, i will continue to post some pics for help from you all. If it is a male i'm contemplating putting it/them outside and letting them produce pollen so i can collect it to make some seeds.
On a related side note, will a male still produce some pollen if i put it in a somewhat poor lighting condition outside. I'm not looking for optimal pollen production just a little for future use.
Thanks for the help, any and all advice is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Well i havent started flowering yet but i would like to wait until i'm absolutely sure before i take its life. I didnt think a male would start to release pollen until a couple weeks into flowering, in order to ensure that the females have exposed pistils to collect it. But i'm kinda a noob so i could be wrong. Nonetheless i will be very cautious in the next few weeks to try to ID the males, i will continue to post some pics for help from you all. If it is a male i'm contemplating putting it/them outside and letting them produce pollen so i can collect it to make some seeds.
On a related side note, will a male still produce some pollen if i put it in a somewhat poor lighting condition outside. I'm not looking for optimal pollen production just a little for future use.
Thanks for the help, any and all advice is appreciated.
Joe,,they're male..get em outta there,,if you got anything else,,get them out,,segregate it,or them if you want to HoLE out,,,but as soon as a ball splits,,yur in trouble,,I had 9 plants,,2- 3 male,,one for sure had split balls,,there spittin pollen out,,later,,any plants around that one,,went hermie,,get rid of it,,and good luck

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
Joe,,they're male..get em outta there,,if you got anything else,,get them out,,segregate it,or them if you want to HoLE out,,,but as soon as a ball splits,,yur in trouble,,I had 9 plants,,2- 3 male,,one for sure had split balls,,there spittin pollen out,,later,,any plants around that one,,went hermie,,get rid of it,,and good luck

Keep on Growin


hahahahaha I love how he got to buisness and was like some seriouse guy (Oin my head with some crazy ass voice haaaaa its funnyyyyy)

hes like joe come on its a male... get him outa there... like the boss from the spiderman movie... kind of like how he talks... but funnyer.. haaa that was great... +rep to hole

yea man... thats a dude... thoug it is a little to early to tell... if I had to say... id feel pretty comfident saying male.


Well-Known Member
hahahahaha I love how he got to buisness and was like some seriouse guy (Oin my head with some crazy ass voice haaaaa its funnyyyyy)

hes like joe come on its a male... get him outa there... like the boss from the spiderman movie... kind of like how he talks... but funnyer.. haaa that was great... +rep to hole

yea man... thats a dude... thoug it is a little to early to tell... if I had to say... id feel pretty comfident saying male.
LMAO,,tck you stoner,,,after I re-read it,,I thought the same,,LOL,,watcha smokin

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
How can one plant being male prior to flowering cause the others to go hermie. I have never heard of this. Wouldnt it just fertilize any female and produce seeds and how could it fertilize a female that is not flowering or even showing pre-flowers? A male can drop pollen prior to inducing a 12/12 schedule? I'm not trying to argue, i'm just trying to learn through asking questions and according to you some of the things i have learned may be false. Could you or anyone clarify my questions?


Well-Known Member
Iam probably just in full denial but i would love to get as much input as possible on the sex of this plant before i do the inevitable and end its life. So anyone please give me all the advice you can. Should i wait, or is it clear that this is a male.

Its really hard to accept the ugly truth if this is a male. I would just like to get as much advice as possible. The worst part is that i have two that look just like this one and two more that have not shown any indication of sex. I'm currently in week 5 of Veg and i planned on switching to 12/12 next week.

Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
if you have 3 looking like this,,save the others,,take em out,,It killed me to kill them the first couple of times,,but after you learn what a male looks like in front of your eyes,,you'll be rippin it outta the grow,,strangling it all the way outside,,and doin a happy dance as you slice the fukker to bits

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
I love doing the happy dance while ripping my male plants to shreads... and smoking a fatty...


Well-Known Member
Just switch to 12/12 now and the male will become extremely prominent within a week and then at least you will know for sure and if you want to you can then switch back to veg for another week,or you will just have to wait and see:eyesmoke: