males, females, and hermies....


Active Member
ive been wondering something since i started my current grow (my fist one was a flop)

I see tons of firt-time growers on here that grow bag seed and it seems that 90+% of the time, they turn out to indeed be female...

Is is all in how you take care of them? is it just plant DNA and a game of chance?

If its totally based on luck of the draw, then it seems that someone on here would have had multiple males/failed grows.

but i dont see anyone talking about constantly growing plants that turn out to be males or hermies.

so is it all up to fate? or do we somehow have control over the sex?

i guess im just wondering what the chances of my plant being a male are...i dont want to have to grow 5 or 6 plants before i finally get a seed thats a female...

New Member
U Can keep your plants from herming out on you if you make sure not to STRESS them. Moderate and constant sun light and water along with gradual increase in nutes is best...also dont zap them with harsh changes in temp or you could have a part of you lady that is really a man...that is bad for business!!!


Active Member
i realize stressing them can make them hermie. but how can you get a higher chance of it being female instead of male. not hermie.