Manganese deficiency?


Checked out a couple of my friends plants today, has an odd problem that I haven't seen before. From what I understand these tiny brown spots appeared about five days ago, spread and pretty much have hit all of the lower leaves on his plant. Infected leaves feel very dry, like scratchy/rubbery paper, they look slightly metallic and reflective. What I know about the plant- topped plant, about eight - ten weeks along, heavy rains the past two weeks, he doesn't know the strain, no nutes added of any type, he's just been watering.

I asked some other people, conferred with some pictures and I'm pretty sure it's a manganese deficiency. If no one can see what's going on with these pics, I'll get over there tomorrow and take some more and get PH then.



Well-Known Member
kinda looks like cal/mag def.. but before we go adding shit... what are you feeding how much and how often? whats your ph???

i dont think its mag. def. maybe calcium or some other.... looks more like nute lockout to be honest though


kinda looks like cal/mag def.. but before we go adding shit... what are you feeding how much and how often? whats your ph???
I didn't have time to check his PH, left my kit in the truck and it was dark by the time I got back. I'll check it tomorrow. As for feeding, I don't think he's added anything, far as he's told me it's just been water and soil.


Well-Known Member
That's what i would say. Actually yeah that might be nute lockout. The leaves are clawing.


So check PH, flush it into balance (if outta whack) then on last batch of water add some nutes? Sounds like a plan.


Alright, managed to get over there and check PH before night hit. PH sure as hell wasn't high, if anything it looked a bit low... probably around 6.0. Going to retest tomorrow morning make sure I did everything right then chat with a nursery down the road. Would low PH cause nute lockout, I've only dealt with high PH before.


Well-Known Member
Alright, managed to get over there and check PH before night hit. PH sure as hell wasn't high, if anything it looked a bit low... probably around 6.0. Going to retest tomorrow morning make sure I did everything right then chat with a nursery down the road. Would low PH cause nute lockout, I've only dealt with high PH before.
"Would low PH cause nute lockout" - Yes