Marijuana Phenomenon


Active Member
Okay here a story to tell. Probabaly one of the most weirded out trips i've ever. About two year ago ( i only smoked like a few times a month) some friends and i went to my buddies house to kick a sesh. There was about 5 of us. We smoked about 5 tightly packed bowlsbongsmilie. Once the weed was gone i sat in this chair and let the weed take me whereever:blsmoke: All of a sudden this one guys mom called and i look over and im like "haha guys i got you" So as this conversation is going on with his mom over the phone im like "guys stop already" Then he kept talking to his mom and i started to fucking trip out. I told them that they already previosuly planned this and that this had already happenned. I then started to think that my buddy told me this a few weeks earlier. All of a sudden i started to repeat the words he was saying at the same time. It fucking tripped us all out. And im like hes going to leave (guy on phone) and this will happen and so will this. And i was fucking right!:-? it was honestly some of the trippest shit ever. It was like deja vu in the weirdest form. That must of been some hella good weed:joint:


Well-Known Member
Wow! That is a trip. Maybe you were so baked that you opened up your mind enough to kind of do an astral travel or something without even knowing it. You know, kind of like a very deep meditation or hypnosis. That would be cool. You should try to recreate it and see if you could do it again. But don't concentrate too much on it or you'll never make it happen.


Active Member
Well nothing like that has happenned again to this day but other things have happenned.

Heres another story:

One time it was me and my best bud as well as our girlfriends. We all went to my buddies house, just the 4 of us and since his rents left for the weekend we decided to kick a huge sesh of some northern lights for the first time. Well after about smoking like 6gbongsmilie i started to feel it kick in. I started to wander all over the house and have my own trip. I felt isolated from my gf, my buddy and his gf. All of a sudden when they tell me to come upstairs to kick another sesh:blsmoke: i ran upstairs and sat on his bed next to his gf and my gf and my buddy infront of me. Something just felt soo weird then. All of a sudden it felt that these people wern't who they really are. Then i started to believe they were aliens and kept convincing myself they were:-? As if somone has stolen there bodies and identity and from the outside it was them but from the inside they were aliens stealing them. I fucking was tripping out and it couldnt get out of my mind. After that i dont really remember much but it was some scary shit.


Well-Known Member
One time it was me and my best bud as well as our girlfriends. We all went to my buddies house, just the 4 of us and since his rents left for the weekend we decided to kick a huge sesh of some northern lights for the first time. Well after about smoking like 6gbongsmilie i started to feel it kick in. I started to wander all over the house and have my own trip. I felt isolated from my gf, my buddy and his gf. All of a sudden when they tell me to come upstairs to kick another sesh:blsmoke: i ran upstairs and sat on his bed .

JUST STARTED TO FEEL IT!!! if i smoked 6g's of NL, i would expect to be beyond fucked up!! how much do you smoke?


Well-Known Member
hey i assume you skateboard? Word if you do,,,

uhh, never mind if ya don't.///// but i do as well.

n e way.... still,, i fi smoked even 1g of NL in one sesh to my self... i would be fucked up


Active Member
haha well i skated this i went to college. It an old name that i just stuck with. haha NL is some very good shit, but hey with some practice and smoking every day it aint that bad :P:weed:bongsmilie