Marijuana Poison?


Well-Known Member
i am trying 2 b a professional athlete and i am EXTREMELY parnoid. i was smokin out my triple bubler bong and filling it with and the ice. ice melted so i dumped water in a solo cup n added new ice. i reached 4 my solo cup and grabbed the bong water, huge i feel sick and feel like vomiting but cant. not cooking with cannabis but i ingested it.. any1 else ever fuck up like this?:-( lol will my body clog up with resin like a bong?


Well-Known Member
haha no man you will be fine.. its just messing with your stomach cause that was some nasty water...did anyone as a kid ever hear that drinking the bongwater fucks you up more.....only the dumbasses did it and felt like shit after. I even remember someone saying that you can fill your bong with vodka and then drink it and get fucked up hahahaha.... the memories of being a teen, too great