I'd just like everyone to know that I'am not to happy about this company.
I ordered seeds from them on 7/24/11 and still have not seen hide nor hair of my order.
The email address that is supposed to allow you to contact them does not work. So I guess I'am just screwd. I have ordered from them in past with no problems though so order at your own risk, just be awre that if your limited on founds like me {102.95 GBP for my last order} that you may find you can not contact the company.


Well-Known Member
i ordered from them the first order i did they lost my money so i sent more and when they eventually showed up i got bad genetics and bad plants go to attitude for the win m8 you will never look back


Active Member
was this the site with the topless girl in top left corner or the other 1 that doest use decimals(.) but rather commas(,) with their prices.

The Wise Man

Well-Known Member
Who is it or (the one with the chick on the home page) have been very reliable for me. I have ordered from them 3 times over the past few years and I have received all orders in less than 10 days each time to CA. Quality of the genetics have also always been solid as well.


Never had a problem with delivery or seeds. They give you the strain of the free seeds they send so you know what to look for in your grow. Always receive seeds between 7-10 days in US.