Martin Luther King Day

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Let's take a moment on this day to reflect on what he stood for and remember there is still much work to do.
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Oh, but it's all about what he accomplished and stood for? Hitler stood for his people rising from poverty. But at what cost? His orders of experimenting on people resulted in our current knowledge in anatomy.

Then there's all the racist ideas which came because of legislation based on Michael's ideas, like affirmative action. Praise the idea of equality, not some asshole who used that idea for his own personal agenda. If he really gave a shit, he would have wrote his own doctoral thesis and speeches, and not stole them. He was all about promoting Michael.

I know he was nothing like Hitler, but Michael didn't care about anyone but himself either. There are people on this forum, like Unclebuck and Dan Kone who I'd admire more for attempting social equality philosophy. Even though I agree very little with their ends to achieving such. I don't agree with Michael's methods nor his personal ethics. People need to stop being stupid and find better heroes. Think for yourself for once.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I do not need a day to remember racism and the fight against it. I personally find the notion of Martin Luther King Day as silly, while he is the one everyone knows about, there are countless people who have done great things to try and combat racism, scale be damned, fighting racism is fighting racism, i do not personally agree with a special day just for one person, if anything it just overshadows the small person fighting exactly the same fight. Why not a day dedicated to the fight against racism, not just one successful persons fight against it.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Is a day dedicated to remembering racism racist?
This is "Martin" Luther King day, not "dedicated to rembering racism" day. I 'd be all for that day, like Memorial Day. But we honor Michael on this day and say remember how we used to be racist shit heads. So what about Fredrick Douglas, Samuel Clemens or William Wilberforce? Fuck them all because we have an agenda to promote our holy savior in bringing people "racial" rights and equality.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I do not need a day to remember racism and the fight against it. I personally find the notion of Martin Luther King Day as silly, while he is the one everyone knows about, there are countless people who have done great things to try and combat racism, scale be damned, fighting racism is fighting racism, i do not personally agree with a special day just for one person, if anything it just overshadows the small person fighting exactly the same fight. Why not a day dedicated to the fight against racism, not just one successful persons fight against it.
So should we get rid of Christmas and Washington's birthday too? We celebrate MLK's birthday because he was largely responsible for changing our country's outlook on race also poverty and war as well.


Well-Known Member
This is "Martin" Luther King day, not "dedicated to rembering racism" day. I 'd be all for that day, like Memorial Day. But we honor Michael on this day and say remember how we used to be racist shit heads. So what about Fredrick Douglas, Samuel Clemens or William Wilberforce? Fuck them all because we have an agenda to promote our holy savior in bringing people "racial" rights and equality.
say what you want but you have to remember racism if you are to remember how someone fought it & why it was bad.



Well-Known Member
say what you want but you have to remember racism if you are to remember how someone fought it & why it was bad.

if it were racism they would have a dog on every "colored" person in that picture. dude probably just stole something. EVERYONE ELSE in that pic looks surprised and seems to be otherwise going about their business.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
now we got this. :)

Crazy how if you enslave a race of people then deny them rights or opportunity for generations, they don't all automatically come out of the womb as Wall St CEO's. Gee, I wonder why they feel the need to operate outside of the system...


Well-Known Member
Crazy how if you enslave a race of people then deny them rights or opportunity for generations, they don't all automatically come out of the womb as Wall St CEO's. Gee, I wonder why they feel the need to operate outside of the system...
Because drugs are illegal?


Well-Known Member
Listen my people suffered as well, we don't have to act like savages though I'm sure Mr. King would be very disappointed.


Well-Known Member
Totally. Black people are natural drug addicts. It has nothing to do with lack of economic opportunities in their communities. They are just lazy drug addicts.
Yes, the problem is the entitlement mentality. The black people are sitting around waiting for some sort of economic opportunity to be bestowed upon them.

Wealth is created. Until a person realizes that fact, they are not truly free.