massive outdoor plants need pruning prior to flowering - advice needed!!


Active Member
ok so i've got a handful of plants outside. 2 of them are a sweet island skunk that i've been working with for a bit now. we harvested the plant in december of last year, forced it into reveg, and then transplanted it outside in late february. the 2 plants now occupy about 16sqft of space and are about 4ft tall as well. It's a monster!! it's just starting to flower although it doesn't want to just yet as the nights are still getting shorter for another week. none the less, question is, how would somebody prune these plants? where do you start?



Active Member
good question!! i'm not certain if i do or not. they are full that's for certain, nodes every inch or so all the way into the plant. when she flowers there's going to be a lot of darkness in the center of the plant where there are flowering sites. i'm just wondering if i should do any clean up at all on the plant or just leave her be. or maybe just choose to have like 20 tops? just wanting to get some ideas. most of my outdoor plants don't get this big. but she went through reveg all winter and started outdoor early in the fall. look at her stalk!! that thing is awesome!


Undercover Mod
What you should do is some LST and stretch them out even more. If you pull the nodes out and make them grow more outwards than up they will produce bigger buds.


ill post pic's of my outdoor when i can sometime this week... keep it mind its my first grow.. but with endless hours and lots of help from friends / others im getting this down fast and good... i got a Lavender and a OG Platnium i tossed outside in April due to room limit in my indoor... but there huge now i suppercroped em many times in many places one looks like a gaint marijuana cactus lol


Active Member
Balzac that's a good idea. would help a bit with figuring out what tops will be the nicest. from that past few grows of this strain it fills out nicely with very dense nugs all the way down. i'll probably also trim fan leaves come august or september. really depends on how she feels.