Master Kush and Ice 39 days flowering


Active Member
Thanks guys!

Here are a couple more pictures. It's pretty amazing how large they have gotten since the last time I posted! Getting into the exciting part. Any time I come home and open the door to my bathroom, a burst of sweet MJ smell explodes in my face! I'll probably go ahead and change out the rez water tomorrow. They are loving the nutrients right now and I'm checking ph daily to make sure the plants can get every bit of those nutes. Anyway, enjoy the pictures!




Active Member
@smoke52: the master kush is at the same point (time wise) but it is kinda stuck in a half veg half flower mode. I think it's because the roots dried out so badly, the plant didn't really go into full flower. The only reason I have kept it alive is to see if I can clone off of it and get it to grow correctly. I don't know if it would carry over in the clones if they have health roots. Anyone schooled enough in cloning that can help me out/


Active Member
It's been about 59 days of flowering. That means, according to the strain info from Nirvana, I have about another week of nutrients to go then 1.5 - 2 weeks flush and it's harvest time! This gal is looking awesome! At least I think she does. I'm still having a hard time getting through a full grow with fully green leaves to the end. I guess people accomplish that with more advanced nutrients than I am using. :roll: Anyway, here are some more pics. I included some under-hood pics to show off the proximity of the lights to the plants. Enjoy!



Well-Known Member
looks great!!! keep it up. thnx for throwing the lighter in there for perception. I'm seeing a lot of impressve cfl grows lately. stay high


Active Member
I'm having some trouble trying to figure out if this girl needs to be put into flush. I am at about 9.5 weeks from first sign of flowers. The problem is the trichomes don't seem to be turning amber at all. I have heard that some strains don't go amber so I guess this is what I'm seeing. All the leaves seem to have some amber trichs or some that have a blood red dot in the middle of them. But the ones on the calyxes are either milky or just clear. They are looking nice though. Calyxes getting real swollen. Also, kind weird, I am still getting new growth off the tops of the larger buds. Any ideas?


Active Member
*bump* anyone have experience growing this strain? Trying to figure out if I'm gonna see amber trychomes on this thing.


Active Member
Just went into flush today, so maybe 1-2 weeks left till chop! Included some picture, as usual. They are FROSTED! :weed: I included some pictures with flash and without flash as you can see how white with frost they are with the flash on it. So, how long do you guys usually let your babies flush? I've heard so many different opinions because of the different circumstances. With my hydro setup, how long would you flush? My last grow (White Widow) flushed for less than a week and the buds fell over! I probably didn't have the fan on them as early as I should have. :roll: Anyway these feel pretty hefty, so they should flush well. I guess it's just a matter of how they look? Enjoy the pics!



Active Member
Sup guys! As the title states, I am at day 5 of flush. I'm getting really excited. They smell fantastic! Like grapefruit! The larger fan leaves are starting to shrivel up now. Most of them are yellow with some purple highlights! I'm wondering if I keep it flushing for longer, does that mean some of the smaller leaves will start turning purple? I don't think it matters much, but does anyone know if this will effect the taste/potency of the leaves I leave (haha) on the finished bud? Just curious if the hints of purple do anything for me but give it more bag appeal. I'll try to get some pics up later today. My camera is dead right now.


Active Member
What's up guys? Question: has anyone had the opportunity to stage an experiment in which different lengths of flush time were used on the same strain to figure out best flush length? Or has anyone found a way to tell that the plants are ready to cut just by appearance (maybe a bit more exact than large fan leaves yellowing)? These kinds of experiments are what I eventually want to be able to do, I just need some more space to grow. Anyway, if anyone out there has found the perfect flush time for their strain (Nirvana Ice hopefully :-)) I would love to hear from you. I'm extremely tempted to cut right now, so your timely response would be MUCH appreciated!

p.s. Today makes 1 week of flush!

p.p.s lee harvey: your avatar just brought back the nightmares that took me years to get rid of. (though I suppose if I just imagine tim curry in any other roll he ever played I might be able to....nope, he's been creepy in just about every roll he's ever played.)


Well-Known Member
I'm having some trouble trying to figure out if this girl needs to be put into flush. I am at about 9.5 weeks from first sign of flowers. The problem is the trichomes don't seem to be turning amber at all. I have heard that some strains don't go amber so I guess this is what I'm seeing. All the leaves seem to have some amber trichs or some that have a blood red dot in the middle of them. But the ones on the calyxes are either milky or just clear. They are looking nice though. Calyxes getting real swollen. Also, kind weird, I am still getting new growth off the tops of the larger buds. Any ideas?
I have had this happen to me before. Are you 100% sure that your room is light proof. I think that was the problem when it happened with me. I think a bit of light was getting in while the gal was sleeping causing her throw out much more pistils and will start to grow bud on top of buds. Just to let you know those buds on buds smoke amazing. Hope this helps ya out. STAY HIGH!!!


Active Member
Been cutting since Tuesday but finished up today. Here are some pictures of the harvest along with one of the 3 largest buds I got. The other two are about the same size. More pics to come.



Active Member
Alright! Finally got a pretty good dry weight. Looking like my predictions were close. Ended up with about 50 g total. Pretty good for me! Hopefully I can get some pictures up by the end of the day.