Mattress falls on my plant please help

So I come home to find out that a matress that was placed up against a wall had fallen on my almost 4' plant. Two or 3 limbs are either snapped in half or completely broken off!! My plant has already lost several limbs the last couple of days due to accidents and by now I'm sure it is under severe stress. Please help immediately


Active Member
Ouch that sounds bad, I've seen what a sleeping bag can do, I can only imagine what a mattress can do.


Active Member
Damn, sucks to hear that! I hope it pulls through for you.. I'd hate to see all that work be for nothing, except a mattress landing pad.. Hope it works out for you. Good luck.


Active Member
Easily avoided mistake... Solution don't grow where shit will/can fall. Murphys law, learn it, live it, love it