maxikap self watering plant system question. Liberty Haze 6 weeks flowering pics!

You know

Hey guys... NEver heard of these before but a buddy of mine swears by them and is giving them a go from what he heard from another guy.
Basically its a bag of dirt that sits on a styrofome box which has holes in it therefore allowing the roots to go down into the styro foam tank where the nutrient solutions sits.
now this is all fine and dandy, yet he tells me there are no air stones and you just fill the water up in each box as needed... This goes against pretty much all hydro rules, still water, flooded roots, Another concern is he was told that you dont even have to clean these, you just set it and forget it type of deal. Only thing you do is fill up nutrient solution as needed. I am well aware of how hydro works / ebb, DWC, RDWC. I cant wrap my head around this how "it just works" Any thoughts/input/ past experience is welcomed! So this isnt a complete flop of a thread I have added some Liberty haze which has been flowerin for 6 weeks. Enjoy! The single plant in the back with the skinny flowers is a clone i got off a buddy which he forgets what strain it is (smart i know) Hoping it starts to fatten up soon cause its growing weird!




Active Member
Just a lil info on the maxikaps. Guys are using them with great success. No water chillers no air stones. It's a wick type system that requires little maintenance and will give you better yields than straight dirt. I am currently switching to this system. I do dirt and dwc right now. These are the future of growing for sure !