Maximum Amount of Darkness Blue Dream Can Have Before it Begins to Flower


Active Member
yeah but then they will revert... how is a smart ideah and pluss if he did doo that his buds would b so small and wont get to their full potential
You my friend don't know what you are talking about !!! First off, I just stated a fact.. Did I say it was smart idea?? Fuck no I didn't !!

Secondly, I do this all growing season long. Veg indoors and flower outside.. It works very well for me. I pull over a pound of very decent buds every month from 3 plants..

I suggest you get a little more experince before you start advising people and put more disinformation out there..


Well-Known Member
With only 6 plants, I don't want too push the regulations!;-)
With a little effort, it's not hard to average 3lbs+ per plant outdoors in NorCal. I know guy's that make me look small:shock:
Good luck
I was gonna keep that stock and make a xmas tree out of it and give it to you for Christmas. I forgot it.


Well-Known Member
Since we are kinda getting back on topic, I have a new question.
Spring Harvest: How big should your plants be/how big do you like them to be before they begin to flower? Number of weeks don't really apply here because they've been growing since Christmas and are only about a foot to a foot and a half tall now. I didn't have the proper equipment at the time. Crappy heater, no lights cept sun, etc. I've gone ahead and planted one outdoors last month; a critical kush.


Active Member
Since we are kinda getting back on topic, I have a new question.
Spring Harvest: How big should your plants be/how big do you like them to be before they begin to flower? Number of weeks don't really apply here because they've been growing since Christmas and are only about a foot to a foot and a half tall now. I didn't have the proper equipment at the time. Crappy heater, no lights cept sun, etc. I've gone ahead and planted one outdoors last month; a critical kush.
You should get a lot of different answers on this one.. I start LST'ing my plants when i put them in one gallon pots. I like to have several upright branches to grow those nice colas. It usually takes me about 2 months in the one gallon pots to get to this point. At that time my plants are about 2 -3 feet tall. Someone who lets their plant just grow straight up might have a 4 -5 foot plant in that same time frame.


I should also throw it out there that the larger your plants are when you transplant the more likely they are to shock or preflower. This often has to do with a relatively underdeveloped root system compared to a large volume of foliage. In other words, starts grown indoors or kept in a hoop house will have less transpiration going on and might struggle when they are put outside in the wind.

One other thing to note (and correct me if I'm wrong) is that once preflowers form there are flowering hormones being produced. A larger start will produce more flowering hormone due to increased size and corresponding tissue volume. It is unclear to me whether there is a compounding effect occurring but it's something to think about. I do know that I've seen small clones catch up and beat out larger plants that were put in the same time. The same is true with tomatoes.

I won't be planting anything outside this year that is over 12".


Active Member
That wouldn't work for me, Rhizo.. I put plants outdoors every 30 days from the last of February til September. As soon as they are put outside they begin to flower.. 8 - 10 weeks they are ready to harvest. I count on that quick harvest. My 2 foot plant almost doubles in size and gives me a very decent yield..


Well-Known Member
Since we are kinda getting back on topic, I have a new question.
Spring Harvest: How big should your plants be/how big do you like them to be before they begin to flower? Number of weeks don't really apply here because they've been growing since Christmas and are only about a foot to a foot and a half tall now. I didn't have the proper equipment at the time. Crappy heater, no lights cept sun, etc. I've gone ahead and planted one outdoors last month; a critical kush.
Outdoor that could be up to you. I have a six foot fence so I like to say around 5 ft tall 5 ft wide. So I just supper crop and LST to try to allow for the stretch.
You should get a lot of different answers on this one.. I start LST'ing my plants when i put them in one gallon pots. I like to have several upright branches to grow those nice colas. It usually takes me about 2 months in the one gallon pots to get to this point. At that time my plants are about 2 -3 feet tall. Someone who lets their plant just grow straight up might have a 4 -5 foot plant in that same time frame.
agree ! :eyesmoke:
That wouldn't work for me, Rhizo.. I put plants outdoors every 30 days from the last of February til September. As soon as they are put outside they begin to flower.. 8 - 10 weeks they are ready to harvest. I count on that quick harvest. My 2 foot plant almost doubles in size and gives me a very decent yield..
That's a great size to toss em out in the winter. The ones I have now I vegged to like 3ft . They doubled and a half. Almost got em as big as I need for my enclosed geen house.


That wouldn't work for me, Rhizo.. I put plants outdoors every 30 days from the last of February til September. As soon as they are put outside they begin to flower.. 8 - 10 weeks they are ready to harvest. I count on that quick harvest. My 2 foot plant almost doubles in size and gives me a very decent yield..
Different strokes... Sounds like you have a system that is predictable and works well for your purposes. Curious though, that the plants you put out in late may or June would go straight into flower. Day length in early June on the northwest coast is around 15hrs and increasing until the solstice (20th), still over 14.5 hrs before the solstice in souther cali. Depends on the strain as well. Herijuana put out in May will flower no matter what I do, while others just chug away and veg into trees.


Well-Known Member
They won't, that late they will continuine to vegg. When do you out your Herijuana out. I'll be running some this year . I was going to put everything out in mind May.