Maybe Clone Problem


Active Member
Im attempting to clone some marijuana and i did all the steps right im just concerned that the top leaves are too big and stress the thing becasue they have withered but are still soft and i think it will probally still last but if you have any advice id love to hear it & i was wondering how often should i spray it and how muhc should i spray it.. should the soil be moist?

My clones are outside in a humidity dome, out of direct sunlight and it was pretty hot out today.

Sorry cant post pictures becasue i dont have a camera available for 4 more days and by that tie it will be to late.

Thanks in advance,



Active Member
Sorry for the early bumb but i really need help beforethe next hot ass day rolls around tmw.


Well-Known Member
Yes, the soil should be quite moist. If it's really hot, I'd mist the top of the soil every morning, along with the foliage, then hit the foliage a couple more times throughout the day. If they're already drooping, give the soil a good dose of water, and they might spring back up. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. Wetter is better than drier. I topped a plant a couple months ago, and throw the top in a glass of water I had sitting in my growroom, and forgot about it for about 2 weeks. When I finally took a look at it, it had roots growing like crazy. Just keep that in mind, if you're worried about the soil being too wet. It's tough to overdo. :)

BUT, after about a week, keep in mind that they'll be taking root soon, if they haven't already, and will suffer if the soil is soaking wet. After the first 5 days or so, back off a little, and try keeping the soil pretty moist, but avoid having it constantly soaked. I always look at the drainage hole in the bottom of the cup, or whatever container you're using, and watch for roots to be showing. Then you'll know for sure, to back off on the water, and will be at less risk.

Hell, I'm probably making you paranoid, huh?LOL Aside from misting a couple times a day,(not critical, but helpful, especially in high heat)....give them a nice heavy watering, the first day, then back off and keep it moist until they take root, and you'll be fine. :)