Maybe some good from the craziness


Well-Known Member
So it looks like all the crazy misinformation out there my just lead to some good ends.

Because of all the heat that came from the blogishpere (even if it was caused be 95% false information) that led to the easily persuaded to go haunt the town hall meetings and helped to stall the legislation, it basically forced the Dem's hands.

The Dems have basically decided to say screw it and lets push this through with no support because of our majority, because we don't need every single dem to vote for it to pass.

This seems to have woken up the insurance companies and now they are talking about large co-ops to allow them to provide the coverage that they should have been doing all along. Which would of course open up 10s of millions of new customers.
The New York Times reported last week that PhRMA struck a behind-the-scenes deal with the White House in which the administration would ensure nobody squeezes extra money out of the drugmakers in exchange for $80 billion in cost savings over the next decade. A PhRMA executive later walked that back in an interview with the Huffington Post.

Another unlikely alliance came with PhRMA and Families USA banding together to launch the sequel last month to the "Harry and Louise" ads that helped derail health care reform under the Clinton administration.

This time, though, the Harry and Louise actors, whose full names are Louise Caire Clark and Harry Johnson, are appearing in a multimillion-dollar ad campaign in support of health care reform.

AHIP spokesman Robert Zirkelbach said the scattered alliances stem from a desire to reach a mutually beneficial package and an acknowledgment that the status quo is not sustainable.

"You didn't see this type of collaboration 15 years ago. Never before have we had hospitals and doctors and employers and labor unions and health plans all coming together in support of health care reform," he said.
And it looks like the Obama administration is open to it as long as it has the same provisions (not being able to deny care, or cut people when they are sick, and covering all the people that don't have it):
"I think the president is just continuing to say, let's not have this be the only focus of the conversation," Sebelius, on CNN's "State of the Union," said about the focus of a public-option inclusion.

"Coverage for all Americans, lowering the crushing cost for everyone, making sure that we have new rules for insurance companies, that they can't dump people out of the marketplace if you get sick, that they can't drop your coverage based on a pre-existing condition, that you can't be priced out because you're a woman instead of a man, and gender discrimination won't be allowed to continue anymore. Those are really essential parts of the program, along with choice and competition, which I think we'll have at the end of the day."
None of this is set in stone, but it is good to see both sides converging on this, and even if it took a bunch of nutballs to force the governments hand to decide to push it through, waking up the insurance companies to the fact reform was going to happen, we wouldn't be this close to something good happening.

So this could be a blend of the best of two worlds. Private companies doing the coverage for all americans, and the government doing what it is supposed to do and protecting the interests of the people.

The genius that is the American political system at work. Nothing is going to be perfect, or uncorruptable, but the push and pull of the government, people, businesses always seems to find a decent answer (even if a couple decades late).


Well-Known Member
"Private companies" are "the people".

And Obama and Big Pharma, united? No kidding? :-P

So this could be a blend of the best of two worlds. Private companies doing the coverage for all americans, and the government doing what it is supposed to do and protecting the interests of the people.

The genius that is the American political system at work. Nothing is going to be perfect, or uncorruptable, but the push and pull of the government, people, businesses always seems to find a decent answer (even if a couple decades late).


Well-Known Member
"Private companies" are "the people".
Private companies look out for the best interest of those companies, which usually does not mean the best interest of the people.

If that was the case they never would have polluted the water.


Well-Known Member
Private companies look out for the best interest of those companies, which usually does not mean the best interest of the people.

If that was the case they never would have polluted the water.
Now there you go again...:rolleyes:


New Member
Private companies look out for the best interest of those companies, which usually does not mean the best interest of the people.

If that was the case they never would have polluted the water.
Come on man ... you're better than this.


Well-Known Member
Come on man ... you're better than this.
He is a mind controlled slave. :-P He cannot seen past the right and left. In the end we all want the same thing, but are divided and conquered. IMHO there will be a civil war, and that is what the PTB want. I know my only concern is my family, and do not plan on particapating. You can see the news ramping up for the militia attacks, RIOTS for the FLU VACCINE drills at schools, and the dod power grab from the states national guard. We are in for a REALLY bumpy ride.:-(


Well-Known Member
You crybabies really amuse me. Here I am posting something that is not only relevant but also unique so far by putting together actual news. About good that can be happening that you have said over and over again that you would like to see, and all you can do is talk shit.

He is a mind controlled slave. :razz: He cannot seen past the right and left. In the end we all want the same thing, but are divided and conquered. IMHO there will be a civil war, and that is what the PTB want. I know my only concern is my family, and do not plan on particapating. You can see the news ramping up for the militia attacks, RIOTS for the FLU VACCINE drills at schools, and the dod power grab from the states national guard. We are in for a REALLY bumpy ride.:sad:
Maybe I should make a youtube video with some spooky music so that you will believe it trees, that seems to be the only way to get through to you.