MDMA - safrole vs PMK oil. Is there a difference?


Well-Known Member
You'll love mdea...
What are your thoughts on sass, rory?
My phone won't let me watch that for some reason so I'll watch it after work.

I might based off how those letters are arranged. Haha
I like sass though a lot, really no come down for me. I don't do 3g throughout the night like some of them will though.


Well-Known Member
Its great...just gotta take so much and if you do over do it slightly,you're putty for 4 hours...
Great off hooker tits...


Well-Known Member
I start off not taking too much, just finger lickin. Then after awhile and I drink a lot it kinda gets faster.. I probably finish about a gram, maybe a little more/less, from when I wake to sleep or something. That's not much compared to mostly everyone else

I saw one of my buddies turn into a puppet that couldn't say words except every once in awhile he'd say some witty remark it was kinda awesome honestly, the only words he'd choose to say. At first we all thought he really, really did too much because he was flailing his limbs around like an idiot and ended up pissing himself


Well-Known Member
I found MDEA to be the most stim like with the least trippy and empathogenic qualities. Not my cup of tea but maybe fun for some.


Well-Known Member
I found it to be more on the edgy almost acid side with waves of warm fuzzy bunny feelings shooting thru..the waves mite be the speedy side for some? I loved it...


Active Member
I start off not taking too much, just finger lickin. Then after awhile and I drink a lot it kinda gets faster.. I probably finish about a gram, maybe a little more/less, from when I wake to sleep or something. That's not much compared to mostly everyone else

I saw one of my buddies turn into a puppet that couldn't say words except every once in awhile he'd say some witty remark it was kinda awesome honestly, the only words he'd choose to say. At first we all thought he really, really did too much because he was flailing his limbs around like an idiot and ended up pissing himself
Mr Lahey you pissed yourself!