medical marijuana and autism


Active Member
i was watching good morning america this morning before work and i saw something i never thought id see on GMA... people saying medical marijuana is a good thing. but anyway this womans kid has autism and she gives her kid a pot brownie or some kind of baked good maybe 2-4 times a week instead of giving him something like 10 pills a day! but the woman was telling GMA that her son seems calmer, and listens much more with the brownies. i found this great except for one thing the entire time they had this dr saying that your kid is just stoned and now he is addicted to pot and that made me mad. im trying to find the video of it but it might not be posted yet

figured id share some cool info i found this morning


Well-Known Member
That definitly is not a good thing,she giving him brownies etc.she's not helping him in the right way.
Maybe she could treat his autism in some other way,not with any medicine


Active Member
i really dont know how to feel about this...i am strongly against anyone under the age of 18 using cannabis (only because we do not know how it will affect the developing brain) BUT on the other hand, she did find something that good? but what i dont understand is the Doctors wont even give this a shot they just say ohh its weed it cant help but who knows maybe it really does


Active Member
That definitly is not a good thing,she giving him brownies etc.she's not helping him in the right way.
Maybe she could treat his autism in some other way,not with any medicine
i really dont know how to feel about this...i am strongly against anyone under the age of 18 using cannabis (only because we do not know how it will affect the developing brain) BUT on the other hand, she did find something that good? but what i dont understand is the Doctors wont even give this a shot they just say ohh its weed it cant help but who knows maybe it really does

What would be the right way? 1.) Are you the parent of a special needs child? 2.) Are you a parent at all?
If you answered yes to either of those questions, then ask yourself this. If you were watching you child die, as this mother was, and the conventional methods were not working, wouldn't you try anything to help?
If your answer was no on both numbers one and two, then you'll have to excuse me for saying you are out of your depth and unqualified to make a such a definitive statement on the subject.


I feel that your personal views are closely related to the reticence these other doctors feel. There simply isn't enough research or data on the subject matter to make an informed decision when you are risking your medical license. In these cases, the medical marijuana produced a good response. God forbid if it hadn't. In our litigious society, the reaction would have definitely left him minus a nice large settlement and lawyers fee, probably lost him his license, and might have put him in jail.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
That definitly is not a good thing,she giving him brownies etc.she's not helping him in the right way.
Maybe she could treat his autism in some other way,not with any medicine
Like in the other thread about the same situation I say, you do not know the depth of the seriousness of being/being the immediate family of an autistic child.