Medical marijuana is coming to Connecticut.


Active Member
A bill is being passed soon that will legalize medical marijuana to adults with the recomendation of doctor. the bill has overwhelming support 81 - 19% so hopefully we will see it by the end of april!

Also this is a double post, posted it in the wrong section before, Apologies

Ebb n Flo

Active Member
yea but ct has a whole different take on MM... only physicians will be allowed to distribute it to patients. no growers.... no dispenseries... where the hell are they going to get it from?

Ebb n Flo

Active Member
i'll tell you where.... state facilities and labs will grow it and tax the FUCK out of ct residents! like they do with everything else! i think the bill should be a bit more flexible to other illness's that it could help treat.... not just dibilitating illness's..


Well-Known Member
@Mudminer - No, cultivation will be strictly commercial: "...the maximum number of producers that may be licensed in this state at any time, which number shall not be less than three nor more than ten producers; "

It's interesting, because in order to pass in CT, they pulled together an alliance of local farmers and pharmacists. This helped in two ways: first it gives the enterprise a sense of medical legitimacy (folks here look at Cali and shake their conservative heads), and it brings well moneyed lobbyists (pharmacies and farms) into the fold. When looking at politics, always follow the money.

The problem with the law is that it firms up prohibition, with only a narrow exception for medical reasons. Of course CT recently decriminalized possession of small amounts (up to a half-ounce), but getting caught for growing is serious: cultivation is equated with distribution, and the number of plants does not matter. Anything up to a kilo (even one plant) wins the grower up to 7 years in prison and a $25k fine-- plus the possibility of tax-stamps!

We can only hope that broader acceptance and use of the herb will result in less of a police priority in finding grows.