Medical Marijuana License Card...anyone have one

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New Member
So what's your point Shame besides proving that you are a hero???:?:spew::spew::spew:
It's pretty much the same issue. I would also say something if they came on here and made a post that clearly reflected that they were trying to hook up a crooked doc so they could sell the pills.

But in the end FDD, I guess in a forum like this, my view on this subject is the less-popular one. So I'll take a page from your book, and just not worry about this issue from now on.


New Member
Exactly!!!! I don't know if I have adhd but I have been locked up just because they don't know how to medicate me properly and I most certainly haven't been violant.
I've been hospitalized against my will and put in a strait jacket to have them force drugs through me.
I've been man-handled (and not in a nice way).
Once when I was hospitalized against my will and knew what I was up against I tried to escape only to have a bunch of security guards hunt me down like a wild animal.
It might be funny now but it wasn't back then in those hospital gowns with half my butt hanging out.
Society is so far behind when it comes to psychological disorders. They just aren't sure yet so they experiment.
Of course they need humans to experiment with so guess what.....:-|:-?:confused::hump:..??????????

I just don't trust (not only doctors) people in general.

Thanks canniscorpse. I can tell from what you wrote that you are on the same page.
The treatment they give us doesn't help and they wonder why. :dunce:
so true...
also bi-polar

also tested all the meds

it sucks i know
i feel you lacy

shit i only weigh 54 kg's and have been thrown out of 4 anger mangement classes for their fear of me tearing the place down...shit like that retards you socially more so...


Well-Known Member
well, i can't say that i am totally like you lacy, but i do understand somewhat, as i was diagnosed bi-polar when i was 11. tho, luckily mine isn't near as bad as yours sounds. people just don't understand that something like this can totally ruin your life. some things are still kind of hard to talk about, but it's been long enough now that i can deal with them fairly well. i was basically a pariah in high school because i just couldn't or didn't know how to cope with things, and it sent me in a 5 year downward spiral that would have ended except my cousin got off work early and walked into our room when i was putting the rifle barrel in my mouth. needless to say, i had to go through a lot of doctors and counseling after that, which pretty much did nothing to help me. i don't bother going to see anyone about it anymore, after my last shrink refused to accept the fact that i wasn't depressed because i smoked weed, i smoked weed to cope with it. i walked out of her office the day she told me that she wouldn't do anything as far as treatment until after i pissed clean for 3 months, and spent 6 months in NA. my state doesn't have any type of medical prop, and even if it did, i'm with you in doubting that they would want to give me a card just for "being depressed" as most people see it. i smoke when i can, which unfortunately isn't very often, as i maybe can get a 1/4 or 1/2 ounce of schwag every 2-3 months. right now i'm just trying to hold on and slowly save money so i can start my own grow in the future.


New Member
Thank you darknight. I was kind of hoping some others would jump in.
This disorder can totally ruin your life and to have your very brain disfunction is very difficult to try to explain to people.
I have had broken bones, cuts, an illnesses that left me partially paralyzed (temporarily)BUT I would much rather deal with physical pain than mental pain.
Only people with the same kinds of illnesses uinderstand the stigma and bs related to these illnesses.:neutral:
well, i can't say that i am totally like you lacy, but i do understand somewhat, as i was diagnosed bi-polar when i was 11. tho, luckily mine isn't near as bad as yours sounds. people just don't understand that something like this can totally ruin your life. some things are still kind of hard to talk about, but it's been long enough now that i can deal with them fairly well. i was basically a pariah in high school because i just couldn't or didn't know how to cope with things, and it sent me in a 5 year downward spiral that would have ended except my cousin got off work early and walked into our room when i was putting the rifle barrel in my mouth. needless to say, i had to go through a lot of doctors and counseling after that, which pretty much did nothing to help me. i don't bother going to see anyone about it anymore, after my last shrink refused to accept the fact that i wasn't depressed because i smoked weed, i smoked weed to cope with it. i walked out of her office the day she told me that she wouldn't do anything as far as treatment until after i pissed clean for 3 months, and spent 6 months in NA. my state doesn't have any type of medical prop, and even if it did, i'm with you in doubting that they would want to give me a card just for "being depressed" as most people see it. i smoke when i can, which unfortunately isn't very often, as i maybe can get a 1/4 or 1/2 ounce of schwag every 2-3 months. right now i'm just trying to hold on and slowly save money so i can start my own grow in the future.


Active Member
the fact of the matter is biologically you can test almost anything(relating to physical disabilities)
neurologically its all theoretical (relating to mental differences)
hence the lack of treatments compared to physical disabilities

but hey i'd still toke up if i were normal...
it makes me feel funky


Well-Known Member
I think that many of these so called doctors misprescribe drugs on purpose just so that they can post results back to the pharmaceutical company on what effects the drugs had on patient xyz123.

This is a great way of testing medications on people without any legal loop holes and the doctors get financial concessions for every report that they file against the next order of drugs from that pharmaceutical company.

They and most of us here already know that pure oil extracted from weed can even cure non terminal small cancers as well as all the other benefits.
They do not want weed legalized as it is an all cure that you can grow in your garden.

We should not have to even apply for a license to grow in the first place.
I can totally understand people wanting to get a card regardless of whether or not they actually are sick enough to get one.
If i could get a card in my country i would and even though i have arthritis and back and neck pain from old injuries and would probably qualify anyway i would try to conn myself one as well even if i didnt as having a get out of jail card sounds like a bloody good idea to me.

I don't see how anyone can have this attitude towards people trying to obtain a card,these people have every right to smoke weed and they should do anything they can to make sure they remain as free as they possibly can be,if that entails obtaining a govt license to ensure their safety then so be it.

I like to think that i am a fairly decent person but i am all for covering my own back if at all possible.
So what i am saying basically is that i for one think that lacy is a genuine medical user and that i personally would try to get myself a license whether or not i needed one and that i would not feel in the least bit guilty that i had obtained one under false circumstances as its all about covering your own ass when its being fired at:blsmoke:


New Member
I'm all for people smoking and growing their own weed too otherwise I wouldn't be here.

I'm not trying to manipulate the government into giving me a 'get out of jail free' card but I certainly wouldn't object to anyone trying.
Like some others stated in this thread, quote: "I thought that is what this site was for,...supporting each other etc."

I don't doubt that for a minute natmoon. They need to find scapegoats from somewhere so they use some people like human guinea pigs.

You have no idea how true that is!!!!

I didn't start this thread to start a debate about who is entitled to a health card and who is not. Thats not for me to decide BUT regardless of the situation I'm gonna smoke and grow it.

It would just make myself and my husband more comfortable if it was legal so i don't have to feel like a criminal if I want to go in my own backyad and have a puff.:roll:

I live in the country, have no kids and there aren't any around; only adults.

Selling drugs? I barely even leave the house.:lol::lol:

I just don't understand either why a person would come on a site like this and purposely give someone a hard time for trying to get a mm card. :dunce::twisted::confused:I know I was on the right site because I don't go to any others but for a while I didn't feel like I was at
'rollitup':neutral: :confused::confused::confused::confused::?

Thanks Nat:mrgreen:

I think that many of these so called doctors misprescribe drugs on purpose just so that they can post results back to the pharmaceutical company on what effects the drugs had on patient xyz123.

This is a great way of testing medications on people without any legal loop holes and the doctors get financial concessions for every report that they file against the next order of drugs from that pharmaceutical company.

They and most of us here already know that pure oil extracted from weed can even cure non terminal small cancers as well as all the other benefits.
They do not want weed legalized as it is an all cure that you can grow in your garden.

We should not have to even apply for a license to grow in the first place.
I can totally understand people wanting to get a card regardless of whether or not they actually are sick enough to get one.
If i could get a card in my country i would and even though i have arthritis and back and neck pain from old injuries and would probably qualify anyway i would try to conn myself one as well even if i didnt as having a get out of jail card sounds like a bloody good idea to me.

I don't see how anyone can have this attitude towards people trying to obtain a card,these people have every right to smoke weed and they should do anything they can to make sure they remain as free as they possibly can be,if that entails obtaining a govt license to ensure their safety then so be it.

I like to think that i am a fairly decent person but i am all for covering my own back if at all possible.
So what i am saying basically is that i for one think that lacy is a genuine medical user and that i personally would try to get myself a license whether or not i needed one and that i would not feel in the least bit guilty that i had obtained one under false circumstances as its all about covering your own ass when its being fired at:blsmoke:


New Member
I'll toke to that.:blsmoke:
the fact of the matter is biologically you can test almost anything(relating to physical disabilities)
neurologically its all theoretical (relating to mental differences)
hence the lack of treatments compared to physical disabilities

but hey i'd still toke up if i were normal...
it makes me feel funky

Dr High

Well-Known Member
maybe i need one of those cards too, i suffer from a social disorder and bi polar too. i use prozacs cuz that just makes me happier and ismoke 1 or 2 grams of weed a day it makes me day:) my gf is the only one who can actually calm me down when i havent had any meds. for one thing iwont try to crack my head to get one of thosecrads after all, ill just grow it and tell nobody. Peace


Well-Known Member
The internet is full of civil servants that join up to sites like these and try to cause the cat among the pigeons effect.
Any real toker just doesn't have their kind of attitude.
The only real violation here is that of our own human rights.

I would encourage people to obtain any dumb bits of paper that they can to stop themselves from being arrested.
And never forget if you do get caught do not admit that what you have done is a crime even if your a dealer,you are not a criminal,no one has been hurt and you did not steal anything.

You have only acted in a case of civil disobedience against an unfair,unjust and draconian law that is unconstitutional and and a complete and total breach of your civil and human rights.
The only real criminals are the police that have smashed into your home and stolen what is not theirs for their govts private little war on the dumbing down of the populace.

Is there some special reason why an adult with their own supposed free will that was given to them by God cannot buy a piece of weed from someone to smoke in their own home if they so wish it?

Anyway i could rant all day long about hypocritical laws and corrupt govts and police officers but i wont.
Just remember to deny that you have committed a crime,the police will try to get you to admit that you are a criminal,do not do this as if you do your are basically condemning yourself as a criminal.
Remember that its just civil disobedience,and don't be tempted by the devils deal:blsmoke:


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Who gives a shit why someone gets there card...sick or not. If they can get it by bluff then all the power to them.


New Member
prozacs make you happier???
nobody knows I grow...except for the people here and one friend
maybe i need one of those cards too, i suffer from a social disorder and bi polar too. i use prozacs cuz that just makes me happier and ismoke 1 or 2 grams of weed a day it makes me day:) my gf is the only one who can actually calm me down when i havent had any meds. for one thing iwont try to crack my head to get one of thosecrads after all, ill just grow it and tell nobody. Peace


Well-Known Member
I have bi-polar disorder, social anxiety disorder and PTSD (bad) plus another psychological disorder that is rare but i'm not gonna go there.:?
I also have social anxiety disorder, which causes me to have panic attacks quite often. Weed helps with the panic attacks immensely but not so much with the social anxiety disorder. I'll be getting my MM card too as soon as I can... The only reason I'm bringing this up is to show ppl like Shame that you don't need to be 'sick' to benefit from MM. PPl who may appear to be the epitome of health may suffer on the inside. Weed helps most everybody that uses it, for both mental and physical reasons. I don't think it's fair to say one group should be allowed to have MM and another group should not just b/c their illness is not 'apparent'. Many ppl use MM for pyschological reasons and you would never know they were 'sick' by looking at them. So you really can't judge anybody getting MM, even the ppl that don't appear sick may really need it.... But enough of that.....

Lacy have u taken anything that helps u with the social anxiety. My doctor has me on prozac which doesn't help. It's for depression and I've told him I'm not depressed at all:confused:. I'm also taking Xanax which works perfectly, but my doctor won't let me take them on a daily basis b/c he's worried I'll get addicted. But I could really give a shit, I just want to be rid of this anxiety. Is there any medicines you can take on a daily basis that have helped u?


New Member
Thanks for your comments and support. Its most appreciated. I started this thread in hopes that some others with similar disorders may hopefully get their mm card also and perhaps get some insight to other cases.
I really had no idea this would start a battle. :confused:
You said that very well.:mrgreen:

It took me ages to find any meds that would help my social anxiety disorder. It was only 5 years ago when i went through a really rough time that my GP prescribed something called effexor and it is really good. It works great for me and apparently has great results with most others. Its a real break through as far as this disorder because this is also a difficult disorder to treat.
I only take 2 x's 37.5 mg daily but it was suggested that I took it 4 times daily. I tried that but found myself sleeping too much and gained all kinds of extra unwanted weight. :-|:roll: Its probably not as much of an issue with you but I hated it so I went back to 35.7 mg.

I also take epival 75 mg twice a day and was told that I should be on it 5 times a day. It is for seizures and is used successfully for bi-polar disorder without many side affects. Its the best meds I have been on and I am happy with those also.

If you do go on the effexor, which I highly recommend, you have to take it gradually. The dose is gradually increased until your body adjusts but it really really helps me tremendously.

Good luck with getting your mm card. I hope you get it.

Yes I have to also agree that weed helps panic attacks big time. :mrgreen::blsmoke:
I also have social anxiety disorder, which causes me to have panic attacks quite often. Weed helps with the panic attacks immensely but not so much with the social anxiety disorder. I'll be getting my MM card too as soon as I can... The only reason I'm bringing this up is to show ppl like Shame that you don't need to be 'sick' to benefit from MM. PPl who may appear to be the epitome of health may suffer on the inside. Weed helps most everybody that uses it, for both mental and physical reasons. I don't think it's fair to say one group should be allowed to have MM and another group should not just b/c their illness is not 'apparent'. Many ppl use MM for pyschological reasons and you would never know they were 'sick' by looking at them. So you really can't judge anybody getting MM, even the ppl that don't appear sick may really need it.... But enough of that.....

Lacy have u taken anything that helps u with the social anxiety. My doctor has me on prozac which doesn't help. It's for depression and I've told him I'm not depressed at all:confused:. I'm also taking Xanax which works perfectly, but my doctor won't let me take them on a daily basis b/c he's worried I'll get addicted. But I could really give a shit, I just want to be rid of this anxiety. Is there any medicines you can take on a daily basis that have helped u?


Well-Known Member
Thanks Lacy. I'm going to look into this effexor. Yeah I agree, social anxiety disorder is one the hardest to treat, because it's still a relatively new concept and dr.'s don't know much about. I have no idea Y I'm taking an anti-depresant. All I have are panic attacks and social anxiety.

P.S. Sorry about your thread getting hi-jacked earlier, it was might fault, I had to say something to Shame which started that whole thing.


New Member
You're most welcome blaze. I think you will find this med most helpful.

Hey! No need to apologize. I appreciated others jumping in and adding their opinions.
I really try also to ignore the 'Shames' of the world but unfortunately there's always one in a crowd. :roll:

Hey. It could be worse. Can you imagine if Shame ever got a police badge???? Became a judge???

Or even worse...

there could be more Shames.....:shock::shock:.....
lurking around the next corner near you.


oh yeah...halloween is over.
Thanks Lacy. I'm going to look into this effexor. Yeah I agree, social anxiety disorder is one the hardest to treat, because it's still a relatively new concept and dr.'s don't know much about. I have no idea Y I'm taking an anti-depresant. All I have are panic attacks and social anxiety.

P.S. Sorry about your thread getting hi-jacked earlier, it was might fault, I had to say something to Shame which started that whole thing.


Well-Known Member
shamegame who are you to judge anothers pain,your not calling a spade a spade,i never read one thing in lacy original question that sent me crying fraud,but when you have suffered the lowest of lows you root for your fellow brother or sister not stand in judgement.
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