Medicinal Marijuana Jobs


Well-Known Member
I live in florida and I suffer from anxiety/depression problems. The medicine I'm currently taking (paroxetine) makes me feel like im going thru chemotherapy or something. I was just wondering how difficult it is to get a card and job in the medical marijuana industry in any state. I feel like medical marijuana would be a safer alternative and that a job in the industry would be best since I'll be medicating. Any helpful tips would be greatly appreciated:leaf:


Active Member
Cali is by far the easiest place to get a card. It's also the most difficult to get a MMJ related job since its so widely accepted and everyone wants those jobs. You're also competing with people with tons of experience there.

The more recent MMJ is to a state the easier it is to get a job since the industry is just starting out, but paradoxically the more difficult it is to get a card since most states are very very cautious to avoid getting California's reputation of handing out cards to anyone with $200 and a stubbed toe.

Basically it doesnt matter where you go though, having a legitimate medical problem that has been proven to have its symptoms alleviated by marijuana, and having a adverse reaction to traditional medicines to treat your disorder makes you a valid candidate for almost every state. Also keep in mind that just because you're medicating doesn't mean you have to have a job that doesn't drug test. Most companies only test before your initial employment, and subsequent tests only come up if it becomes an issue at the work place. As long as you aren't trying to be a brain surgeon, most employers are willing to allow you to medicate on the job provided that it doesn't impact your performance in any way and provided you have proper documentation and recommendation.

If not there are a growing number of companies out there that just outright have stopped drug testing since most "hard" drugs cycle out of your system fairly quickly and, quite frankly, most employers don't care if you smoke pot. Whole Foods is a prime example, they ceased drug testing altogether, and I'm sure you could find many employers from various fields with the same policy.

Also keep in mind that drug testing is an expensive process. Small businesses and family run operations generally do not test and there is of course always the option of starting your own business or even starting growing!

Good luck with your travels and medicating!


Active Member
If you want to do this for a living I would suggest becoming an expert in one or more areas. Maybe horticulture/growing or maybe the medicinal benefits. The new business models I've studied in California and Colorado are stressing the need for a knowledgeable workforce. Cannabis is going upscale and people want professionals they can trust.

Just imagine going to your neighborhood liquor store. Anyone can sell you a bottle of wine and put it in a bag, but the best stores have people that know the products. Learn the various strains, their history and effects. We all love to smoke but it takes dedication and work to do this for a living.


Active Member
You might as well start with the old most open place of all.

I know I am personaly in the same boat as you but with pain. The drugs I am on are truely destroying me. Yes I have no pain on them but that because I am knocked out drooling. MMJ has been a saving for me too bad in my state like yours its not MMJ.

Soon i will be moving to a MMj friendly state and I plan to go to oaksterdam for atleast the 101 course. I for one want to not only treat myself but become a caregiver and grower as well. I want to know that what I am growing is the best and with the classes offered there and my own XP I know I will be.

FYI they also have job postings on the site mostly for cali and out west but still its a state anf g/l


If you are looking for a job in the medical marijuana industry, you could also try one of the MMJ job boards such as
Good luck in your search - I would think that patients would be great employees as their personal experiences could be very valuable to a dispensary's clients.