

Well-Known Member
NA can help there too. Go listen to how fucked up their lives are and I guarantee you won't want to try it. But it sounds like you really want to try it anyway. If strong willed, you can try it once or twice and cut it off early enough. I can tell you the feeling is unlike anything else youve experienced. I can see why people always want to feel that good.
its slightly tempting... i always do things because of the rush of doing something that you know is wrong... but i will NEVER DO METH. I just have to try things that arent addicting and dangerous, like maybe im some kind of adrenaline junkie... kinda why i pick fights, its the rush


bud bootlegger
Im pretty much trying to keep myself from trying it. You know, making sure I know the realities... because i am tempted to try harder and harder things, but i want to keep a hold of exactly why its bad, so i dont make the same mistakes as my family
urca, know this much.. addiction very much so runs in families, so if you mom and what was it, step dad are both addicts, you can rest sure as shit if you tried it, or pretty much any real hard drug that has addictive properties, your chances of becoming addicted increase like ten fold..
take if from me.. my gmom on my dads side was a a drunk, came home from a psych ward in the 60s cuz that is where they used to send drunks and addicts back than, and went ahead and jumped out of a third store window.. i don't think i have to tell you how that story ends..
my father was pretty much a drunk, not that he drunk all of the time, but when he did, it was always out of control. my brother likes to drink as doe both of my sisters, although i'm not sure if any of them are really alchy's..
and i'm not sure if you know much of my story, but i've been hooked on everything from coke / crack all the way up to shooting up a bundle of heroin a day.. that's a $130 a day habit.. fun fun fun.. luckily, i just had 10 years clean this may 13th.. i was one of the lucky ones that made it out the other side alive.. i know lots of people's who are dead today because of the same choices i have made..
knowing that you're more prone to addiction and going ahead and using still is a very selfish thing to do, trust me on that.. you'll put the ones who love you in so much pain and agony, and you can never take it back.. you may get lucky and live, and they may learn to trust you and give you their love back, but you never know.. my pops died and i hadn't talked to him for two years before because of drugs.. these are the things that you'd have to learn to live with in a life of addiction.. it sucks, believe that..
and yes, shooting coke feels incredible.. so fucking good that you'll soon forget about everything and everyone but that bag and the rush that comes with it.. you'll sell you soul and more than likely your ass for another hit.. a far drop from your virgin state.. rock bottom comes faster for some and maybe you'll just need to be arrested a few times and maybe homeless for a year or two first.. maybe not, maybe you'll never hit rock bottom till you end up killing yourself via drugs.. happens everyday.. to people of all kinds..
before you think about moving on to any harder drugs, think about what i told you.. i'm not one to sugar coat shit, and if my past can help one person not have to go through it, well then all of my bs was worth something.. i hope you really listen to this and take it to heart , as i'd hate to start seeing threads titled... i sold my ass for a bag today, uggh, i feel like such shit.. but i never will, as by that point paying for something as worthless as the internet will be one of the first luxuries to go by the way side.. just like taking showers daily, brushing your teeth, etc..


Well-Known Member
what was that like?
its hard to describe..but after a big bump id here trains .so intense felt like my body and head might explode but in a good way....but when i started to come down and was out of money id beg borrow steal and didnt care..spent tons of money on that crap....havent done any now in over 5 friends and family are just now trusting me again.........


Well-Known Member
i've done meth a few times in my 20's. basically it makes you act like a stupid asshole idiot. you sweat like crazy, your skin breaks out and you look like shit all the way around. i have done almost every drug i can think of except for H and it is the only drug that i felt i could become addicted to. pretty much every time i used meth i either wanted to fight or got into a fight. it turns regular people into jerk offs.
drop this fascination and move on to something more constructive.


bud bootlegger
its hard to describe..but after a big bump id here trains .so intense felt like my body and head might explode but in a good way....but when i started to come down and was out of money id beg borrow steal and didnt care..spent tons of money on that crap....havent done any now in over 5 friends and family are just now trusting me again.........
lol, that's exactly what i was trying to say... and yah, it feels effing incredible.. you get those wa wa's straight away, knees buckle, and it would make me puke from the crazy rush, but in a good way.. a really really good way.. but it's so not worth it.. i'll take my money and my respect over that rush any day of the week..
much respect d for 5 years clean.. good job m8...


Well-Known Member
lol, that's exactly what i was trying to say... And yah, it feels effing incredible.. You get those wa wa's straight away, knees buckle, and it would make me puke from the crazy rush, but in a good way.. A really really good way.. But it's so not worth it.. I'll take my money and my respect over that rush any day of the week..
Much respect d for 5 years clean.. Good job m8...
you described it to a t...i had to go to jail for 2 years because of it ..but that saved my life...for a long time when i talked about it my heart would go to racing..


bud bootlegger
you described it to a t...i had to go to jail for 2 years because of it ..but that saved my life...for a long time when i talked about it my heart would go to racing..
lol,, see, i do know a few things d, too bad it has to be about subjects such as addiction and shooting coke and heroin, lol.. oh well, least me no dummy all around..


Well-Known Member
my mom, my dad, my grandpa, my stepdad, my uncle all are alcoholics.
Im afraid of being an alcoholic. Yet i drink... not very much, but when i do, i just drink as fast as i can to get as drunk as i can...


bud bootlegger
my mom, my dad, my grandpa, my stepdad, my uncle all are alcoholics.
Im afraid of being an alcoholic. Yet i drink... not very much, but when i do, i just drink as fast as i can to get as drunk as i can...
yah, see, not to be a downer, just be careful urca.. even though alcohol is legal and bud and meth and heroin aren't, it's still one of the most addicting drugs out there, and one of the two where withdrawals can kill a person, benzo's being the second..
i just hate to hear about anyone being addicted to anything is all, it's a really depressing life style, and very lonely as well..


Well-Known Member
yah, see, not to be a downer, just be careful urca.. even though alcohol is legal and bud and meth and heroin aren't, it's still one of the most addicting drugs out there, and one of the two where withdrawals can kill a person, benzo's being the second..
i just hate to hear about anyone being addicted to anything is all, it's a really depressing life style, and very lonely as well..
yeah, id much rather smoke bud anyday. drinking changes me...


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
it changes everyone urca, that's why they drink, lol..
Lol but its like i dissassociate myself from my actions when i drink... when i smoke im completely aware, even if its too aware, i feel like i have control over my surroundings when im high... not so much when i am drunk, it scares me sometimes


bud bootlegger
i stick with the weed and beer now
i try and even stay away from alcohol for the most part as it makes me want to do coke, and i can't be having that.. i'll get drunk maybe once or twice a year now adays if that..
still got a bottle of champagne in the fridge from like new years 2002, lol..