

Active Member
My friend apparently is getting some of this tonight. I've done oxy contin, oxy morophone(opana), vicodin, and maybe a few other pharms. Not sure if I'm gonna try it. Has anyone tried this or know anyone who has experience with it? i am reading some of the experiences on Erowid and they seem to be not to great, some saying you feel way to nauseous and also that it lasts way to long. One guy said he was sick for like 2 days throwing up. It's already 12:00 and I'm thinking I would be down to do it, but not this late. It would like to to just take it, chill for an hour and then go to sleep, but I don't wanna worry about all the side effects dragging on forever


Active Member
be careful, methadone is surprisingly strong with oding @ >25mg's with low or no tolerance. i have been on pain meds way too long. they bite back. but, if you know what you are doing, you will sleep alot and itch. about it. nausea too. stick to the others (oxy, morphine..etc) if you choose to do it. at least enjoy it. be safe.


Well-Known Member
Methadone...I've experience with methadone. Right in my last year of high school I got addicted to it. After taking it for 5-6 days in a row I felt the physical need to take it more. The high is really more of a low if you ask me. It made me out and just chill. You get a big warm fuzzy "ahhhh, yehhhh...." feeling. Its hard to walk sometimes if you take a bunch. Driving is out of the question. Plus it lasts for quite a while. Also, watch out for tolerance. You'll find your stomach full of chemicals and your wallet empty.

As Hydro Hippy previously stated, moderation is key. Don't take it repeatedly. TRUST ME, the withdrawals are a BITCH! VERY hard to stop taking.


Well-Known Member
I managed to stumble upon a shiteload of this in the 10th grade, and lemme tell you, its not something any 16 year old should have found. I noticed i built a real quick tolerance and eventually took more than I should and it was a horrible ensuing 12 hours. Still even felt that opiate numb when i woke up the next morning...

It did manage to keep me from ever abusing diesel and OC's in my late teens and early 20's when my friends caught the habit though