

Well-Known Member
What do you guys think about it..?
I'm not talking crank.
I'm talking lab grade, pure, clear, glass.

I think it's the bees knees..!
Lucky for me someone else controls the supply..

Take a walk on the wild side if you dare..


Well-Known Member
Good luck on this one. Hope your "supplier" doesn't like money. You might be his new #1 customer. But if your strong you can do it every now and then but mix it up mayne.


Well-Known Member
it is diabolical
it can destroy you emotionally, physically, and economically in short order
it can isolate you from friends and loved ones
and you don't even know its happening
leave it alone, walk away and forget about it


Well-Known Member
trash drug. dont get me wrong ive done alot of it. when i was younger but i wouldnt do it again for nothin. to many sleepless nights.


bud bootlegger
i love roseman's advice man.. that shit is no good... run as fast and far away from this crap.. it has ruined many many a man and woman, not to even mention the pain and suffering it puts the people who care about you through.. crank is horribly addictive, and will bring you to your knees before you even know that you have a problem.. selling everything that has any value to you is the least of your problems, getting arrested many, many times and losing everybit of trust and love from each and every family member who has the littlest bit of love for you are the biggest things that you will lose in addiction, and also the hardest to get back, if you ever do...
don't mean to sound so pessimistic and all, but addiction is a lonely lonely way of life, and i try to do my best to help others not to have to live it ..


Well-Known Member
i love roseman's advice man.. that shit is no good... run as fast and far away from this crap.. it has ruined many many a man and woman, not to even mention the pain and suffering it puts the people who care about you through.. crank is horribly addictive, and will bring you to your knees before you even know that you have a problem.. selling everything that has any value to you is the least of your problems, getting arrested many, many times and losing everybit of trust and love from each and every family member who has the littlest bit of love for you are the biggest things that you will lose in addiction, and also the hardest to get back, if you ever do...
don't mean to sound so pessimistic and all, but addiction is a lonely lonely way of life, and i try to do my best to help others not to have to live it ..
as if this isnt reason enough to not do it


Active Member
I'm glad to see everyone here says NO to 'lab grade glass - methamfetamine' Good or bad, that's a drug that wrecks you, and if all our advice it's not good enough for you, you might find yourself as one of those poor bastards who had to see for themselves. Them and their families, and everyone else involved. I know from experience.
It might seem 'harmless' but it isn't. It chemically fucks with your brain - beyond your own control. Do yourself a favor. Take everyones advice and give that drug in particular - a wide birth.
You can thank us later.


bud bootlegger
i thought it was nice to ask us what we thought about it, but i think everyone who is even thinking about trying any hardcore drug for the first time would do this before they expirement on their own, and i wish that i was smart enough to have done this myself before i ever picked up any other drug aside from marijuana..
but more than that, if i had asked for opinions before trying any drugs on my own, i wish i would have the common sense to listen to what others have to say.. but of course i didn't, and had to go down the long, long, lonely road of addiction before i realized that these drugs were the root of every problem that i had at the moment, and the only way out was to stop using, and clear my head and start a new way of thinking and to get a new outlook on life where i realized that if i didn't use, that the world really wasn't a bad place at all, but rather somewhere worth sticking and staying for awhile, and the craziest things have happened as a result.. my life is not too bad today.. good things do happen now, i have gained back the trust and love of the people who i thought i had lost it from forever.
what can i say.. don't want to sound all cheesey and what not, but a life without hardcore drugs in it is wayyyyyyyyyyy better than one with drugs in it, each time, every time..


Active Member
I'm with all them ^ It's evil. Doesn't matter if it's super clean "glass" or yellowish brown homemade psudo meth. It's all evil.
And don't kid yourself by thinking "These guys don't know what they're talking about" Cause we've all done it.


Well-Known Member
utter shite!!!!!!!!!!! :cuss:

i did the stuff for a number of months back in the 90's - i still get a chill up my spine just remembering that i put that crap in my body at all... :sad:

ya - again - you would think there would be a situation where it would be helpful, but there is no way.. the harm it causes you always outweighs any kind of benefit.. in my mind anyway.. :wall:

there is no place i know of on the internet that would recommend using meth for fun or for any reason...

maybe get some MDMA if you want an upper high.. i even had my friends' parents tell me once - 'you know coke is a lot easier on your body..' :dunce:

yep - 'lab grade' or no it is a terrible waste of time - haven't you seen the 'faces of meth' shows where you see a healthy young man or woman after only maybe a year of usage - they turn into a withered piece of shit with no teeth... :dunce: plus - i think anyone who tells you their stuff is better than other meth is lying - i don't think there are very many clean, honest laboratories cooking the stuff AT ALL.. all of it is made on the street basically with no thought to the purity...

the only people i know of who use meth around here are idiots - they steal so they can shoot up $100 at a time every few hours.. they stole $100 from me one time.. :finger:


Elite Rolling Society
My sweet ole granny used to say

you can't step in cow shit if you don't walk through the cow pasture.