Mexico vs. Amsterdam


Well-Known Member
and for legal prostitution, and a variety of pharmaceuticals rivaled only by mexico

for the record, mexico is gods taint, not blindspot


Well-Known Member
You don't spell mexican? How old are you?

You still didn't state which it was, cuidad juarez, more commonly known as just juarez or was it tijuana. They sound nothing a like. Take your fabricated stories elsewhere.
it was juarez, and listen man, ive been further around the world before i was 18 than most people ever hope to travel, so dont question me about whether or not my experiences are real or not when im here to share and contribute. i crossed into mexico into juarez from elpasso texas on a bridge, no customs no security getting inn, just a toll and a bridge. getting out of the country was alot harder, but if i wanted to get anything into the states i would have just crossed the rio grand, which was all dried up at the time.

im telling my side of the story, now you tell me why mexico is so much better than amsterdam


New Member
it was juarez, and listen man, ive been further around the world before i was 18 than most people ever hope to travel, so dont question me about whether or not my experiences are real or not when im here to share and contribute. i crossed into mexico into juarez from elpasso texas on a bridge, no customs no security getting inn, just a toll and a bridge. getting out of the country was alot harder, but if i wanted to get anything into the states i would have just crossed the rio grand, which was all dried up at the time.

im telling my side of the story, now you tell me why mexico is so much better than amsterdam
I'm glad you know how to lookup wikipedia entries.

keep living the lie my friend, keep living the lie. :-P


Well-Known Member
look man i dont want to keep arguing what i know and you think so if youd just cut the shit already and go whine about some thing else id appreciate it

if you really want to fight with posts then im all for it, but it will get ugly before its resolved


Well-Known Member
i HAVE seen them, and i have seen groups of people trying to cross the border and i have been offered drugs and women on the streets when i was 15. i said no because i was with my dad and im not into STDs. what have you seen, or do you just call BS when you dont agree with what youve read?

i get this strange feeling youve been baned, your using a new name, and just trying to start shit with some one


Well-Known Member
it got forgotten about on the last page somewhere, im just glad he stopped

i like your name by the way Dr Green Lung

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
What the hell is a rape tree?
Ive been to Mexico probaly 9 times atleast..
Never seen no kids selling cigs on the street or any sewage out in the open

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
i was in mexico about a year ago for a week and got a QP for $150 and that shit was great !! was a good sativa!
i was tourin the beaches and scopin the girls , but had my GF =( well i guess it was fun so =) lol


Who the fuck would even consider Mexico an option? That place is fucked right now. Just ask those San Diego kids... oh wait...


Well-Known Member
You guys keep going to the worst parts of Mexico.* Along the Gulf...there are some fantastic places to vacation.

Cozumel. Been there twice...truly world class scuba diving in 82 degree water with 100 foot vis...hookers and herb are is incredible.

Clean hotels too.

* How would you like people judging America by their experiences in Detroit?

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
If you can find the right people in Mexico, you can get some pretty good stuff
Sure it dosent compare to some home grown, but ill take it
Plus Mexico has beaches..Amsterdams to cold for me