Mexico's president Calderon, Says," We send Illegals back"


Active Member
By Kerry Picket on May 20, 2010 into Water Cooler

Mexico's President Felipe Calderon attacked Arizona's immigration law during his visit to the White House and later during his speech to Congress. Yet, many have wondered what gave Mr. Calderon the chutzpah to criticize U.S. immigration policy and one of its state immigration policies, considering Mexico is known for the harshest immigration laws in the world. CNN's Wolf Blitzer challenged the Mexican president last night over the issue:
WOLF BLITZER: So if people want to come from Guatemala or Honduras or El Salvador or Nicaragua, they want to just come into Mexico, they can just walk in?
CALDERON: No. They need to fulfill a form. They need to establish their right name. We analyze if they have not a criminal precedent. And they coming into Mexico. Actually...
BLITZER: Do Mexican police go around asking for papers of people they suspect are illegal immigrants?
CALDERON: Of course. Of course, in the border, we are asking the people, who are you?
And if they explain...
BLITZER: At the border, I understand, when they come in.
BLITZER: But once they're in...
CALDERON: But not -- but not in -- if -- once they are inside the -- inside the country, what the Mexican police do is, of course, enforce the law. But by any means, immigration is a crime anymore in Mexico.
BLITZER: Immigration is not a crime, you're saying?
CALDERON: It's not a crime.
BLITZER: So in other words, if somebody sneaks in from Nicaragua or some other country in Central America, through the southern border of Mexico, they wind up in Mexico, they can go get a job...
BLITZER: They can work.
CALDERON: If -- if somebody do that without permission, we send back -- we send back them.
BLITZER: You find them and you send them back?


Well-Known Member
1. If you migrate to this county, you must speak the native language

2. You have to be a professional or an investor. No unskilled workers

3. There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools, no
special ballots for elections, all government business will be
conducted in our language.

4. Foreigners will NOT have the right to vote no matter how long they
are here.

5 Foreigners will NEVER be able to hold political office.

6. Foreigners will not be a burden to the taxpayers. No welfare, no
food stamps, no health care, or other government assistance programs.

7. Foreigners can invest in this country, but it must be an amount
equal to 40,000 times the daily minimum wage.

8. If foreigners do come and want to buy land that will be okay, BUT
options will be restricted. You are not allowed waterfront property.
That is reserved for citizens naturally born into this country.

9. Foreigners may not protest; no demonstrations, no waving a foreign
flag, no political organizing, no badmouthing our president or his
policies, if you do you will be sent home.

10. If you do come to this country illegally, you will be hunted down
and sent straight to jail.

-Mexican Immigration Law


Well-Known Member
I believe the point is that the Mexico president ripped us for our immigration laws or maybe just Arizona, which is pretty similar to federal law. What a hypocritical asswipe he is.
Actually the federal law is tougher than Arizona's law. The AZ law says that there has to be probably cause to pull someone over and ask them about their immigration status. According to federal law, federal authorities can pull anyone over, any time, for any reason, and ask for immigration papers.


New Member
Except the Federal law is not being ENFORCED....and Arizona is being overrun....ppl are being shot, and kidnapped.

Kudos to the Governor for doing SOMETHING....


Well-Known Member
I too agree with Arizona. Washington DC HISTORICALLY does not have a clue what is going on at state levels. Immigration reform cannot equal amnesty or we have this same conversation in 5 years. We need to take a stand...just like every single nation on Earth.
It is not racist to enforce immigration is mandatory to the survival of our nation. It is mandatory to the survival of EVERY nation. There are many reasons that ALL nations have immigrations laws. Obama needs to stop thinking of ways to get more Democratic votes...
and start thinking of ways to keep this nation from being overwhelmed by undocumented illegals.


New Member
Exactly... Obama isn't about being fair to the immigrants...he is DESPERATE to build a base... ANY kind of a voting base...most "normal" ppl have left him. Rightfully so.... we are being governed by incompetence...and it shows...globally and locally.


New Member
Actually, I agree with the right on illegal immigration. Calderon is a hypocrite. He wants border enforcement on his southern borders where the influx is generally poorer than his own citizens, but on the northern border where the preponderance of citizens accross the border are wealthier than his citizens, he wants wide open borders. Solution, treat our illegals as he treats his, case closed.


Active Member
We send illegals back too. What's your point?
That this piece of work Calderon had the audacity to stand before our congress and call Arizona's law racist and profiling when his own country does the exact same thing to a higher level.

Did you not see the Calderon headlines and his admonishment of our countries policies. , I am betting you did and knew exactly what my point was.

Further what the fuck is A mexican President doing sticking his nose into our affairs adnd to have the Democrats stand up and cheer him. That is the height of disrespect for our nation. I am ashamed to have EVER been a member of the democratic party after seeing the display by these POS elected officials. Thereis going to be a backlash from this display. A great deal of Liberal minded individuals and many independents support the AZ law and are against amnesty. We are tired of the Federal gov't turning a blind eye giving our country away to Illegal immigrants.
Obama is forced to attempt to woo Repulicans into voting on his Immigration reform because so many democrats have already backed away from it like a blue crawdad. The issue has become political suicide due to the Accross party line opinion against it. I hope those POS bastards that stood up and cheered get their asses voted right out of office.


Well-Known Member
I hope those POS bastards that stood up and cheered get their asses voted right out of office.
It's happening already. Just this Tuesday, Arlen Spector, the longest serving senator in the history of the great state of Pennsylvania lost in the primary election to former Navy Admiral Joe Sestak. Like you, I am a former Democrat. Actually, I think I'm still on the books at the county courthouse as a member of the party. Man, you should have seen the smear campaign those two were running. Spector questioning his service record, Sestak playing the tape of Spector saying "the reason I changed parties is so I can get re-elected" over and over. It was great. It's going to be a interesting race to follow come Fall, but I think the Republican candidate, our Attorney General Tom Corbett has a good shot. PA is a weird state politically. Once you leave the big urban areas of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, it's pretty conservative, although there is still a strong democratic presence. But with what the Obama administration has done over the past year or so, I've been seeing a lot of long time dems go republican.


New Member
Exactly... Obama isn't about being fair to the immigrants...he is DESPERATE to build a base... ANY kind of a voting base...most "normal" ppl have left him. Rightfully so.... we are being governed by incompetence...and it shows...globally and locally.
Talk about being delusional. Obama has a lot of support. I can't wait for the fall elections, just like before when the right got their asses handed to them, the silence will be deafening.


Active Member
Talk about being delusional. Obama has a lot of support. I can't wait for the fall elections, just like before when the right got their asses handed to them, the silence will be deafening.
Do you pull your opinions from some magical hat? Or straight off of your left buttcheek
You are the one who is dissillusioned. Obamas approval ratings have done a complete turnaround. His initial approval ratings were as of

Strongly Approve
Strongly Disapprove
Total Approve
Total Disapprove

1/21/2009 Presidential Approval Index of 28

5/21/2010 Presidential Approval Index of -15

I think you are going to be surprised to know a that you are WRONG Again!!!!


Active Member
Dude, the American people should have been protesting outside of the white house, with huge signs that were "mock" bills for supporting all the illegals from Mexico that are here, when he was here this past week. Nothing wrong with Mexicans that spend the time to be legal, don't get me wrong, but if your here illegally, your a criminal and have no rights and need to go. Also, if any of you caught his speech on tv (the "obama" aka barry sotoro admin only let spanish media interview at the white house, wtf is that about?), you'd know that Calderon basically thinks we should just sit back and take it. Well, i say kiss-ass


Well-Known Member

This pretty much sums up the lack of patriotism and leadership we are dealing with. Nice ovation after this piece of shit basically trashes AZ, why didn't lawmakers walk the hell out on him? This is totally ridiculous and some serious house cleaning is in order. Barry paraded this guy around, real nice, our laws are fine as long as we take Mexico's poorest off the hands of them.


Well-Known Member
damn, the righties looove to spew hate.

the president of a neighboring country repudiates a law that may very well lead to prolonged incarcerations, racial profiling, and other atrocities to HIS people, the people of HIS country, and somehow that's a bad thing.

if another country passes a law that says it's ok to racially profile americans within it's borders the repukes would be up-in-arms if the president didn't go to THAT country to criticize THEM.

Calderon was just pointing out a HUGE FLAW in american policies, and repukes suuure like to criticize and condemn while not offering a REAL solution to the problem.

i have no problem with arizona's law. asking for papers isn't unusual in other countries, even in europe, which has pretty open borders i was asked for documentation by police and hotel staff more than once after they could tell i was a foreigner...


Well-Known Member
the president of a neighboring country repudiates a law that may very well lead to prolonged incarcerations, racial profiling, and other atrocities to HIS people, the people of HIS country, and somehow that's a bad thing.
maybe the hypocrisy of calderon criticizing our desire to crack down on illegal immigration, while his country regularly incarcerates and denies the human rights of immigrants, doesn't bother you. maybe you can look past the fact that he doesn't give a shit about his people until they are on foreign soil. you seem to be perfectly all right with the representatives of our government applauding this greedy scumbag as he insults policy that a majority of the american people see as a necessary step toward our survival.

it seems odd that you decry the possibility of "racial profiling", a possibility that arizona's lawmakers are going to great pains to mitigate, while admitting with the next breath that arizona's new law is a proper step. your whole post appears to be more a matter of jumping on any chance to vilify the republican party and what you label "the right" (anyone that doesn't agree with your narrow viewpoint) than adding anything of substance to the argument.