MG Ultra Bloom 10-52-10


Well-Known Member
Ok, I know Miracle grow gets alot of hating, but has anyone used Miracle Grow Ultra Bloom 10-52-10 for flowering before? I've heard it can be too strong sometimes so should I lower the reccomended dose? I use Schultz 10-15-10 for vegetative (All i got), so last grow around I continued to use the schultz 10-15-10 during flowering, and buds came out fluffy and light. So I'm looking for some opinions on MG Ultra Bloom. I plan to grow 10 plants to 1f - 1ft 1/2, then flower.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
w33d -

you are growing soil right?
are you sure it is not your gentics or LIGHT proximity that is responsible for your fluffy buds....? that would be my guess

yes MG nutrients are fine.. but I don't think they will effect your BUD density..



Well-Known Member
Yes soil. I guess it could be both, I'm using random seeds and fluorescents.


Active Member
Fluorescents normally aren't enough lumens to flower big nugs. Trust me, I'm an economist - so I've tried.. Nothing beats >250watt HPS for that stage. You can veg just about any plant with any food to a good height with fluoros, given that its a decent strain. Ever try locating a clone locally? That way you know the traits of your strain plus it removes the task of sexing. Get a clone and at least an hps- you wont believe what a couple of foot-longers will put out!


Well-Known Member
I'm doing my first hps thing after 30+ years of using only 40W cool-white shoplights.
I've grown some nice, tight buds, along with the stubborn airy ones. I still use them for vegging and think they work fine for that. Cut my indoor teeth on that same fert (Schultz) . . . I'll be watchin' . . . good luck. I'm tryin' to do nine under two racks of three fixtures (6tubes) but am running out of space at 12" each.


I use a mix of 1/2 tsp per gallon for my indoor cyristal rain beauties and feed them once a week and use plain water every other day and they are growing fast and large with long thick white hairs and juicy pods. and I don't give a hoot about mg haters I just keep it simple.