Michael Savage Banned in Britain


Active Member
I don't know how many RIUr's are members of the Savage Nation, but he was recently banned from entering the U.K, along with known murder's, terrorist's, and racist's. Even if you do not agree with what he say's, you have to realize this is a huge assault on freedom of speech and an incident of racial profiling. The U.K said they put him on the list to "balance" the list. There is no reason for him to be on this list, when he has done nothing wrong except voiced his opinion. He is currently fighting this battle through the courts and has had NO help whatsoever from any media outlet, including the so called "conservative" radio personels. This should be a huge story in America, but sadly, I wouldn't doubt that none of you have any idea what I'm talking about. But I believe this should take concern to anybody who believes in free speech and the 1st amendment.


New Member
And yet the U.K. has released the terrorist who blew up Pan Am Flight 103. Go figure.

Fight on Michael Savage. You have many fans here in the U.S.


Active Member
Your a member of the weiner nation
Is that supposed to be a joke? How does a person's name have anything to do with this? Free speech is being attacked and the so called "free speech liberals" don't give a damn. They only care when they can't voice their socialist blabber.

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
Free speech is a luxury here in the states. You cant take our rights and ammendments and apply them across the world.
Your free speech and analible rights dont mean shit outside this country.
besides Savage is nothing but a dumb fucking Shock jock.:dunce:
Who cant get anything outside of Fucking A.M radio
Big nation:lol:
Quit getting your panties in a bunch.
Dont you have a Anne Coulter bible to read instead.


Active Member
Free speech is a luxury here in the states. You cant take our rights and ammendments and apply them across the world.
Your free speech and analible rights dont mean shit outside this country.
besides Savage is nothing but a dumb fucking Shock jock.:dunce:
Who cant get anything outside of Fucking A.M radio
Big nation:lol:
Quit getting your panties in a bunch.
Dont you have a Anne Coulter bible to read instead.
England is supposed to have free speech also. They pride themselves in their debates and also have the oldest free speech unions in the world. This is nothing more than an attack on somebody who voices their opinion. England is becoming more and more socialist, and even the citizen's of Britain realize what is going on. The Cambridge Union Society has invited Michael Savage to speak on the subject of political correctness. And for you to insult him and call him stupid just shows how stupid you are. He has a master's degree in medical botany, and medical anthropology. Also a PhD in epidemiology and nutrition sciences. You can disagree with him, but to call him stupid shows ignorance in yourself. You pull anything you can to dismiss someone's opinion, but the reality of it is that he is a lot smarter man than yourself. And what makes you think I like Ann Coulter? You put people into groups, which also shows your ignorance.

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
Who cares.
I dont care what degrees he has, He's still a Weiner
You have no idea what I do either, nor is it relevant.
The fact remains he's still an Ass bag shock jock , Who just riles up you righties.


Active Member
Who cares.
I dont care what degrees he has, He's still a Weiner
You have no idea what I do either, nor is it relevant.
The fact remains he's still an Ass bag shock jock , Who just riles up you righties.
You are just to stupid to have a debate, so you stoop down to the level of throwing out false accusations, and uneducated insults. I feel sorry for you.

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member

Six more major companies have yanked ads from Michael Savage's talk-radio show after he branded autistic children "brats."
Home Depot and Sears withdrew their support from the fiery hatemonger's program, along with Direct Buy, Cisco and Radio Shack, according to Autism United.
Insurance giant Aflac was the first company to pull its commercials off the nationally syndicated show, which has more than 8 million listeners.
"We are going after each and every advertiser that hasn't dropped him yet," said Evelyn Ain, president of Autism United, who joined angry parents in a protest on Wall Street Friday.
"We are doing this in all states and really hoping that more people will immediately drop out supporting him. We are going after every angle."
Savage made headlines on July 16 when he told listeners that autism was a ploy to hide the fact that most kids are "brats" as well as "idiots" and "morons."
He went on to suggest that autism was "a fraud, a racket" designed to get public assistance.
His comments resulted in calls for Savage to retract his remarks, apologize and quit.
Radio stations in Mississippi, Virginia and Cleveland that carry "The Savage Nation" show have also boycotted the program.
Savage says his remarks were taken out of context, and were not a direct attack on kids with genuine autism.
He argues he was criticizing doctors who overdiagnose children out of greed and drug companies, as well as "fakers" hoping for extra benefits.
More rallies are expected this weekend, including at City Hall and in San Francisco.

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
Ok boss sorry for trolling, You guys have fun bashing Diaperheads, Undocumented workers, and the handicapped.
Palin 2012!

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
Don't waist your time on useful idiots like Joe, they won't hear you, they will go with whatever progressive propaganda is in fashion at the time.

They don't understand that when they silence everyone that they don't agree with, that there won't be anyone to stand up for them when it's their turn.


Active Member
Ok boss sorry for trolling, You guys have fun bashing Diaperheads, Undocumented workers, and the handicapped.
Palin 2012!
You are the one 'bashing" somebody because of their views. Quite hypocritical if you ask me. This was supposed to be about free speech, and I can tell you're a HUGE supporter of that.