Michigan Indoor Garden Expo sunday june 2, 12-5pm Suburban Collection expo center


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the off-topic tangent, but I've heard it through the grapevine that FF was bought out by Scotts (Miracle Grow) and there have been a insane number of complaints about their soil since. Any opinion on that?
Reduced quality may be true but Scotts/Monsanto did not buy FF. If anyone can find a source that is was bought out (friends and Internet forum conspiracy theories don't count) feel free to chime in. Though its probably a subject that deserves its own thread. Have fun at the expo everyone.


Well-Known Member
wonder if someone there will be selling light timers. i had 2 of the timers that came with my light system poop out in under 24 hrs. or wonder if theres a hydro store nearby the expo center.


Active Member
The show was off the hook! Needed a shopping cart for all the freebies. Thanks to the Guys at Rock Nutes Ian I will be intouch thanks for everything the last 6 months. Sure hope they comeback next year. Smoked some Death Cheese holy shit I was lit up for a few hours.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Did anyone stop by green planet wholesale nutes? I've been considering switching to their line, just would like to hear from the locals you have run it. Also thinking of some solis tek ballast (been running Quantums) if I uderstand it correctly a 1000w can burn a 400 and 600 watt bulb with its settings. The sequential start and built in timer seem nice as well.


Active Member
Nope-- they refused to allow the M3 group to have a table because their soil has a Marijuana leaf on the bag... hypocrites!!! They ditribute their magazine in all the grow shops- and they advertise for cannabis products... Let them deal with the petunia and roses crowd.... diss the MJ growers, and see where it gets them!


Well-Known Member
holy shit was that line long to get in. got there at 11:30ish and it was wrapped longer than the coaters at cedar point. lol but this line moved alot faster. got a ton of stuff. some i can use, others ill just give away. i actually filled 3 bags and the damn handles kept breaking. oh and got 3 new grow pots. little thin black plastic type ones. not sure if ill give them a go or not. maby next round. by 2pm most all vendors were out of freebies. alot of nice eye candy as well. my g/f was bored out of her mind, i should have just left her at home. lol


Well-Known Member
My gf decided she would rather sleep than go with me. I still got a ton of free stuff. I dig the Kind backpack and I'll probably try the nutes. Lot's of bloom boosters and various other powders. I wish I would have won a cyco pack. They called one number up from mine.


Well-Known Member
Had a great time again this year.

Only issues I had were the mass amount of people and the rude vultures who pushed through and took EVERYTHING. lol.

I watched alot of vendors get very upset because people just snatch shit off their table, didn't even take a minute to ask about the product let alone take a leaflet of info.

I cleaned up decent, I have enough root/smart pots to last me a while as well as a few new t-shirts to add to my collection.

It was nice seeing some of you there, can't wait for next year!


Well-Known Member
Won a Cyco Nutrients Platinum Kit :D
You should sell it make 150$

I mainly went to check out new equipment etc. as I pretty much only amend my soil and don't use bottled nutes. I got there late but the green planet bud holder and grinder was probably the best freebee I got then maybe ful-power and these little reuseable green clips to hold your stems to stakes. Some of the coolest equipment I saw were the Green Gator Filters which was some type of solid carbon filter a little expensive but cool, Parlux induction lights which were about a 3rd of the price of igrows and went up to 1200 watts and these soil mixers/ stem shredders which were very cool but way too expensive. The stupidest thing I saw besides over priced nutes was the stick pot which allowed you to put 4 bamboo sticks around a pot < I know right?


Well-Known Member
We got a good haul of loot and had a fun time. The Green Gator Filters was my favorite new product I saw. Solid carbon filter, modular and expandable, no clamps or hardware needed. Very little airflow reduction due to there being no metal parts whatsoever.