Micro Pc Grow!! Done Right!!!


Well-Known Member
i bet youve already answered this one raeman, but are you plants flowering in the pc case? im slowly gathering supplies and hoping i can get the entire op done in the pc case with just one, maybe two plants, if i get lucky with females. will they fit if i schedule it right from your experience. im really not look for more than 10 grams, even less would be fine by me. so, will they fit in a pc case from seed to harvest?


Well-Known Member
you defenetly can do it i would say start 5 seedlings from 12/12, and when the 2-3 males show, kill them , that way you have 2 females ,,, you can definetly do it... i just moved them to a filing cabinet cause i ended up with 4 females and i couldn't bring my self to kill any of them :)


Well-Known Member
well you could veg 3 plants and then flower and hope for one female, but i found that 12/12 is pretty good from start because you will want them small in a pc case

or you could veg 18/6 for 2-4 weeks and lst three plants.. then flower


Well-Known Member
yeah im planning on lsting. probably wont veg for that long. could you go over your lst technique?
two more questions, sorry for being annoying. if i go straight to flower from seeds, how long am i looking at flowering before harvest, time is of the essence, and if i can get the boogers sexed and budding within 2 months, that'd be ideal.

what is the right cfl for flowering? none of the cfl's i have found say their kelvin rating except for the 6500k daylight bulb, the other just say soft white and what not like that. i know the 6500k isnt ideal for flowering but will it do the trick?


Well-Known Member
you want warm white or 2700k

go to lowes if u have one,, their bulbs say it.....

to lst i just anchor the stem at the bottom,.... and tie strings in 2 inch increments up the stem...

then you tie the string to the pot or something and gradually bend the plant down so its horizontal oh yeah its best to do this while vegging... or you can get hermies

and bend in small amounts each day


Well-Known Member
NO definetly not 2 onces... unless bud growth doubles,, you definetly "COULD" get two ounces if you dont mess up as many times as i did and you have 4 topped plants

i harvested one plant to early and another got fucked////

so my yield will not be 2 ounces


Well-Known Member
could you go over your topping technique or point me to a thread with a good explanation.


Well-Known Member
hmmm? what drying, i already smoked the buds i cut early

im waiting till the others are nice and ripe

ill get pics when the lights turn on


Well-Known Member
ha no prob, i havnt ben posting lately cause this thread got kicked out of my last five threads list

so its hard to find and im lazy... very lazy

but here are some pics of the clone that i transplanted and am LST'ing.... i am going to lst it in veg for one more week then flower it....

when i transplanted,,, the roots were AWESOME!!! i cant wait for it to flower.. i am mad now that i didnt clone the other branch cause it barely has any bud on it at all

oh well... its far to late to throw it into veg again



Well-Known Member
pic 1: the letter A represents the dvd holder i was talking about.. most pc you cant remove it,,, and it uses up a lot of valuable space. letter B is a power supply.. remove the fan from it

pic 2: BAD is again the dvd case but this one is bigger and this pc will not work for grwoing

pic 3: this is my pc sliding case that i was referring too.. every thing inside the comp was removed as easy as PIE....

pic 4: notice how much room is left? this is cause there is no dvd holder and every thing came out


Well-Known Member
hey guys i just chopped one lady !!!!

the buds were not nearly as filled out as i would have hoped but the trichs were 50/50 amber cloudy

so i chopped her!!!! not much there but i put some pics.. theres two different colas

